In DataAcceess and API, edit file appsettings.json and put a valid PostgreSQL Connection String.
You can use /assets/APMS.postman_collection.json file to test te APIs in Postman. Also you have a Swagger info here: https://localhost:7245/swagger/index.html after run the project.
You can use docker to build this project using provided Dockerfile.
Added an API Key and Secret basic security.
For testing, use the default values.
Api Key: "20bd419b-45a9-49c9-ac49-cd437b0ac2bf"
Secret: "NBJ&sPwYfNNU49ChPxEp&e*Yj3rMArdMY(+4zV+%$pDey4y%ELsp+&k&Pa#wmEG^"
These values allready are in the provided Postman collection.