NftTop.Best, build on the IPFS and ERC1155. We store all the detailed data in IPFS and submit the CID into our ERC1155 contract. And make every one can mint && comment for every new token(as new project).
- Hardhat
- Vercel
- TailwindCSS
- Vue3
- Pinia (state store)
- Vue-i18n
- Villus (gql && pinia binding lib)
- Vite2
- UserA can submit new project by create new token code
- Then the token owned by userA
- Every new token has created time store by IPFS and get information by
api - New token metadata store on IPFS
- ERC1155 contract has a map for every token to store the metadata CID:
solidity code - We create a
drag && drop IPFS image && gallery uploader
components that can be re-use for further developer, will pack it into a node_module later then to share with other vue3 developer - we also create a component that can get json file content from ipfs and display the data as comment list code
- UserB can voteUp and with/without a comment message code
- Store all metadata with voteUp with name, avatar, walletAddress by IPFS
- Push the CID into the ERC1155 contract that we have a
for them solidity code - Get the comment created time by
api code
- User can see the list of all token by vue code: index page via solidity code: getTokenDataList api
- User can click and slideover to see every token's voteUp && comment list code
- User can see the token detail page code
- thumbnail
- gallery images
- voteUp && comment button and the slide-over
- current token creator information also can click author avatar to chat with author via code
- Features with IPFS && NFT.Storage
- build an Drag & Drop component to upload image to ipfs via NFT.Stroage
- upload as single image
- upload as gallery, gallery images can re-order
- wrap some api to easier used in application
- image viewer component
- while developer just input the cid
, component can auto parse into ipfs link url - show loading animation before image load finished
- while developer just input the cid
- use NFT.Strage status api to get file created time
- has a cache logic in client-side that while user revisit the same cid can just get from local data with almost zero second ;)
- build an Drag & Drop component to upload image to ipfs via NFT.Stroage
- UserA 可以通过创建新代币 code
- 那么userA拥有的token
- 每个新令牌都通过 IPFS 创建时间存储并通过
api 获取信息 - IPFS 上的新令牌元数据存储
- ERC1155 合约对每个代币都有一个映射来存储元数据 CID:
solidity 代码 - 我们创建了一个
drag && drop IPFS image && gallery uploader
组件,可以为更多的开发者重复使用,稍后将其打包到 node_module 中,然后与其他 vue3 开发者共享 - 我们还创建了一个组件,可以从 ipfs 获取 json 文件内容并将数据显示为评论列表 代码
- UserB 可以投票和有/没有评论消息 [代码](<
- 通过 IPFS 存储所有带有名称、头像、walletAddress 的 voteUp 元数据
- 将 CID 推送到 ERC1155 合约中,我们为其提供了一个
solidity 代码 - 通过
api code
- 用户可以通过vue code: index page 通过 solidity 代码:getTokenDataList api
- 用户可以点击滑动查看每个代币的投票&&评论列表代码
- 用户可以查看代币详情页面code
- 缩略图
- 画廊图片
- voteUp && 评论按钮和幻灯片
- 当前代币创建者信息也可以点击作者头像通过chat.blockscan.com与作者聊天code
- 针对 IPFS && NFT.Storage 的优化
- 构建一个拖放组件以通过 NFT.Stroage 将图像上传到 ipfs
- 上传为单张图片
- 上传为图库,图库图片可以重新排序
- 包装一些 api 以便在应用程序中更容易使用
- 图片查看器组件
- 开发者只需输入 cid
,组件可以自动解析为 ipfs 链接 url - 在图像加载完成之前显示加载动画
- 开发者只需输入 cid
- 使用 NFT.Stage status api 获取文件创建时间
- 在客户端有一个缓存逻辑,当用户重新访问同一个 cid 时,可以几乎零秒从本地数据中获取;)
- 构建一个拖放组件以通过 NFT.Stroage 将图像上传到 ipfs
- make a vue3 component for the ipfs image uploader and viewer component
- make the NTB project online and Go-To-Market design && features
- add NFT marketplace function that provide users the trading NFT tokens in the platform
姓名 Name | 角色 Role | 个人经历 Bio | 联系方式 Contact |
Bruce | Full-Stack developer | 15+ 年全栈开发经验,创过业,外资上市公司带 20 人前端团队 | github: @NftTopBest |