Created for the Global Summit 2021
- Create a schedule pairing up teams across timezones.
- Find speaker availability based on time zone and meeting time.
For scheduling team/team pair meetings:
- Update teams_example.csv with real teams, their domains and timezones.
- Update init_schedule_example.csv with events for all teams.
- Update speakers_example.csv with real speakers
- Update time_of_day_constraints.csv for availability based on time of day (rating 0-3 where 0 is unavailable, 3 is best time)
- Run: python
- Optional parameters
- --teams: Input teams spreadsheet
- --tod: Input time of day weights spreadsheet
- --main: Input main events schedule spreadsheet
- --speakers: Input speakers spreadsheet
- --trials: How many combinations to try when matching. Default 10,000
- Outputs: team_schedule.csv (meetings by team), full_schedule.csv (all events in calendar format)
For finding speaker availability:
- Update speakers.csv with speaker name, topic, and timezone
- Make sure init_schedule.csv has Skills blocks (Skills 1, Skills 2, Skills 3)
- Run: python
- Outputs: speaker_schedule.csv
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