My personal neovim config using tolerable.
This is a work in progress and is under constant development. This README does not necessarily reflect the current state of the configuration.
To use without installing,
nix run github:nebunebu/nebvim
Add nebvim to your flake inputs.
inputs = {
nebvim.url = "github:nebunebu/nebvim";
To add as a system package,
{ inputs, pkgs, ...}:
enviornment.systemPackages =
[ inputs.nebvim.packages."${pkgs.system}".default ];
And to add as a home-manager package,
{ inputs, pkgs, ...}:
home.packages = [ inputs.nebvim.packages."${pkgs.system}".default ];
Coming Soon
If you see any issues, or have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to submit an issue or make a pull request.
- wires-org/tolerable-nvim-nix
- mrshmllow/nvim-candy
- All the plugin authors and contributors who make this configuration possible