scripts for distributing GFS files trough bittorrent
This script poll the FTPPRD server for new files, download them and make .torrent files
Usage : ./ {run}
Example : ./ 2015011706
will create torrent files for the run 2015-01-16 06h.
Dependencies : sudo apt-get install mktorrent
This script poll the server for new torrent files, and download them. Once the download is complete, a temp file named "grib_download_ok" is created. The script then continue seeding for 6 hours before exiting.
Usage : ./ {run} {max_hour}
Example : ./ 2015011706 72
will download grib files 0 to 72.
Dependencies : sudo apt-get install python-libtorrent
Integration in a bash script :
# kill previous instance if still running
killall >& /dev/null
# remove state file
rm grib_download_ok >& /dev/null
# start downloading and seeding in a background process
./ $RUN $LEN &
# wait until the download is finished
while [ ! -e "grib_download_ok" ]; do
sleep 1
# now run your stuf
# ungrib.exe / wrf …