by Nathan Harris
A Final Project for CSPB 2270 Data Structures Spring 2024
A trie is a treelike data structure where paths from root to leaf represent words inserted and prefix characters shared with words share nodes. Tries are useful when matching prefixes or implementing autocomplete in a smart text editor.
The usage for this project should look familiar since I used the linked list homework assignment as a template. After cloning the repository and opening your terminal:
cd build
cmake ..
- For running a contrived set of printed demonstrations. I used the Cask of Amontillado short story to demonstrate compressed tries.
- To see tests executed and passed.
- Each node in the trie has at most 26 children corresponding to the letters of the alphabet.
- Every path from root node to word ending node represents a unique word in the trie, ensuring unique representation and retrievability.
- The height of the trie is equal to the longest word inserted.
- The root node has no parent and no associated character.
- Each node maintains a numerical count indicating how many words end at that node.
- Words that share prefixes share nodes and separate at the end of their common prefix.
- The trie maintains a hierarchical tree structure with parent-child relationships and no cycles.
The trie data structure is a very efficient and fast for inserting and looking up words in a corpus. The limitations are related to the levels of the tree based on what has been inserted. For insert the average and worst case complexity is
- app > main.cpp
- demos for ./run_app
- code > Tries.cpp
- The heart of the project where the data structure is implemented.
- code > Tries.h
- Header file with descriptive comments for methods.
- tests > test_hw.cpp
- all of the tests for ./run_tests
- Project_Proposal.pdf
- The project proposal I turned in for posterity.
- Tries-planning.pdf
- This is the document I used to plan out my project before writing any code.
- is_root
- Boolean value to keep track of nodes that are roots.
- is_word_end
- Boolean value to note if this node marks the ending of a word.
- word_count
- Reflects the number of times a word has been inserted in to the trie and ended on this node.
- map that holds pointers to next nodes
- The main part of a trie, the connections between the nodes are pointers stored in a map where the key is the next character in the word.
- characters assigned to node
- Traditionally, the single characters are only keys in the map but I put this property here so that I could implement a compression method later.
- number of words inserted
- number of nodes created
- number of characters in the trie
- For standard trie this would be the same as nodes but for a compressed trie it would be more as nodes can hold more than one character.
- set with valid characters
- In our case this is just a set with all of the characters of the alphabet used to establish what are valid keys in this data structure.
- root node
- The entry point for the trie data structure.
- constructor
- Takes in a set of valid characters.
- deconstructor
- insert (word)
- Inserts a word in to the Trie. Updates the properties on the class.
- remove (word)
- Removes a word from the Trie. Updates the properties on the class.
- word count (word)
- Returns the number of times a specific word has been inserted in to the Trie.
- autocomplete (prefix)
- Returns a vector of words that share the prefix.
- nodes
- Returns the number of nodes.
- size
- Returns the number of words inserted.
- clear
- Removes all of the characters and nodes leaving just a root.
- report
- Creates a string with all of the words in the Trie.
- print node(trie node)
- Creates a multiline string with all of the properties of a given node.
- contains (word)
- Check if a word is in the Trie.
- get root
- The root is a private member, so access is through this method.
- set root
- Changing the root is through this method.
- compress node
- Takes a node with only one child and compresses the node and it's child
- decompress node
- Takes a node with more than one character and separates it out over nodes
- compress trie
- Recursively calls compress node on nodes that are eligible for compression
- decompress trie
- Recursively calls decompress node on nodes that are eligible for compression
- update maps keys
- Function for correcting the keys on maps that point to nodes that have been compressed or decompressed.
- Hash map for storing pointers to nodes
- Set for the alphabet
- Vector for list of autocomplete words
- Vector for stack implementation when removing nodes
- Create Alphabet, function to create a set of the alphabet programatically
- Build Small Trie, making a small trie manually to compare in tests
- Help Init Node, to save lines on initializing nodes in tests
For this project I simply enjoyed a similar and smaller programming assignment in CSPB 3104 and wished to expand on it. In the process I would practice using C++ as well as writing tests. I figured by modeling our weekly homework assignments in a way I could be contributing to the library of homework assignments for 2270. I also could not decide between standard tries and compressed tries. I decided to do standard tries and if I had time, experiment with compressed tries.
This has been a really challenging project mainly due to the open ended nature of the requirements. Transitioning from weekly homework assignments with strict rules, tests, and requirements was jarring but hammered in a great learning experience. I tried to mitigate this by sticking to the structure of the weekly assignments but still, planning the project, deciding how to go about writing tests, which methods to include, how a user would interact with the data structure really revealed to me how much time and effort can go in to just a basic project.
Before this project, I did not have as much experience writing tests and dreaded it. In the end, I did not enjoy writing the tests but felt that I gained a new understanding. When writing tests I understood the philosophy of writing a test, seeing it fail, and then writing the code. But in reality, sometimes it's okay for a test to not be perfect, and to view the tests as a work in progress. This notion helped me move forward on the project with out getting bogged down in writing tests. Knowing that it's a bit of a back and forth conversation, between implementation and tests, helped pave the way for a practical way to implement testing in to a project.
For writing C++, I learned a lot of interesting techniques, for example using the unordered_map library and iterating through a map. Using sets for the first time in C++. I continued to polish the basic C++ skills that we acquired in this course while in the process of exploring a data structure.
At the very end of this project I implemented methods to compress and decompress a trie so that I could compare before and after. Since this was done quickly at the end, I would like to spend more time fleshing out the tests for these methods, as well as a more rigorous comparison between the two data structures.
I feel that I have barely scratched the surface for writing tests. Continued work on this project would involve hunting down edge cases and writing better tests. I feel that these tests are good for a first draft but really working on them so that it will handle more edge cases could be a great way to continue to strengthen my test writing skills.
One thing I keep going back and forth on is whether to add a property to the trie node called parent, that holds a pointer to the parent node. I decided for remove to instead use a stack as a vector, and remove the nodes backtracking until we reached a node that is used by another word. Another way to do it would be to backtrack using the parent but I felt that using a stack would be more interesting. For updating the keys that point to a compressed node, instead of updating a parent's map, which would be easier if there was a parent pointer on a node, I created a helper function that takes a subtrie and corrects maps where their keys and the node's characters don't match. I felt that this was an interesting way to go about doing it.
I also had some last minute thoughts on visualizing the trie to help show it in the terminal and I considered having a rank as an attribute on the node so that if you are printing the trie, you could insert the node's data in to a 2D vector where each vector is a level in the trie, and would reflect the ranking of the nodes in the trie. For example, the nodes that are ranked 2 steps away from the root would be in the 2nd vector of the 2D vectors.
This has been a great project to research, explore and implement a data structure in C++ as well as practice writing tests and using the cmake makefile. I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to encountering Tries in the real world!