Analysis and plots for the paper.
@article { AlgorithmicHallucinationsofNearSurfaceWindsStatisticalDownscalingwithGenerativeAdversarialNetworkstoConvectionPermittingScales,
author = "Nicolaas J. Annau and Alex J. Cannon and Adam H. Monahan",
title = "Algorithmic Hallucinations of Near-Surface Winds: Statistical Downscaling with Generative Adversarial Networks to Convection-Permitting Scales",
journal = "Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems",
year = "2023",
publisher = "American Meteorological Society",
address = "Boston MA, USA",
volume = "2",
number = "4",
doi = "10.1175/AIES-D-23-0015.1",
pages= "e230015",
url = ""
Docker Hub Image analysis+data+environment
Analysis only
Data only
Data is not stored on GitHub because of repo size limits. Therefore, the analysis code and data are hosted separately. However, an image with the analysis code and data is hosted on Docker Hub in an isolated PyTorch environment. Instructions for use are below, and I recommend using the docker image. If you decide you want to build the Docker image yourself, you can find the entire repo plus data hosted by Zenodo with its own DOI (the Data only DOI).
You have a few options on how to get the repo working on your machine. I recommend using the docker image from Docker Hub because it includes the relevant dataset, and requires the least configuration to reproduce our results.
The most recent stable version is tagged latest
docker run -p 8888:8888 --gpus all --ipc=host --network host --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 -it --rm nannau/annau-2023:latest
The default password is set to annau2023
If building the docker image locally, to make accessing JupyterLab easier, I've enabled setting a Jupyter password as an environment variable on the host machine. Set a local environment variable as:
export JUPYTER_PASSWORD=password
Build docker locally using docker compose with:
docker compose up --build
python3 -m venv myvenv
source myvenv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements.txt
jupyter lab
Each option will run a Jupyter Lab server. The process to connect may change for each:
Using Docker, go to http://localhost:8888/lab? and enter annau2023
as the password.
You might have to refresh if the files don't show up immediately.
Please do not use this repo and assume the Jupyter Lab instance running on Docker is secure. I am not a security expert! This repo is intended only to reproduce our results so use it responsibly and don't run it publicly without taking percautions.
I can't guarantee that this code will run on all hardware.
I've developed this repo using a GPU. The results might work without one, and I've tried to enable this, but if you run into issues and don't have a GPU, please change the source code to meet your needs (i.e. make sure the PyTorch tensors are loaded onto the CPU instead of the GPU). CPU will be much slower.