This project is an E-commerce Web application with Responsive Design and contains user history, server/client transaction validation, state manegement.
It uses RESTful APIs to CRUD books and fetch data from the MySQL Database.
Skills: JavaSript, HTML5, CSS3, Vue.js, Java, Gradle, RESTful APIS, Apache Tomcat, MySQL
Future work: Deployment, add third-party payment API, add Google Map API
use the following cmd to check Tomcat status
sudo systemctl status tomcat
There are a couple of methods that can install mysql on your EC2 instance, depends on which way you prefer, feel free to follow the instruction below as well.
The above command is for downloading the MySQL 8.0 installer. If you want a different version, just replace mysql180 with the version you want.
sudo rpm -ivh mysql80-community-release-el7-3.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install mysql-community-server
sudo systemctl start mysqld
sudo systemctl status mysqld
sudo systemctl stop mysqld