- Chat(OpenAI powered by azure cognitive services)
- Speech(powered by azure cognitive services)
- OCR by cnOCR (powerd by paddlepaddleOCR)
for localhost solution, speech to text and text to speech can be instead by:
- Bark(Text to Speech)
- Whisper(Speech to Text)
brew install libespeak1 espeak libspnav swig portaudio sox
virtualenv --python=python3.10 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download zh_core_web_sm en_core_web_sm
Edit your template file and replace api keys & models
cp .env.template .env
also you need to setting a magic word for converstion, for example. i use 下次再聊吧
to end the Converstion.