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Java 中 实现多线程的四种方式

  • 一.继承 Thread 类重写run方法开辟线程,start 启动线程,但不是立即启动需CPU给当前线程分配的资源时间到齐,才会启动
  • 二.实现Runnable 方法,并且初始化Thread实例,并且调用start 方法开启线程
  • 三.以上两种线程实现,都有一个缺点不能得到线程任务执行完了之后,无法获取返回结果,于是callable 接口跟futurehe futureTask配合取得返回结果实现callable 接口, 然后创建新实例,并且调用start方法
  • 四.线程池这里重点说明一下为什么要使用线程池
  • 实现以上三种实现多线程都是new Thread实例,而这有很多弊端比如1.线程生命周期开销非常大,创建线程都会需要时间延迟处理的请求,需要虚拟机和操作系统提供一些辅助操作 ,2.资源消耗,活跃的线程会消耗系统资源,尤其是内存。如果可运行的线程数量多于可用处理器的数量,那么有些线程将会闲置。大量空闲的线程会占用许多内存,给GC带来压力,而且大量线程在竞争CPU资源时会产生其他的 性能开销3.稳定性线程的数量是受到一定限制,随着不断增加可以提高系统的吞吐率(指令条数/执行时间),但如果超出预期的范围再创建更多线程只会降低程序的执行效率甚至导致系统崩溃。 *所以在线程频繁创建的情况就有了线程池,它类似于工作队列相当于一组管理线程工作的资源池,获取任务并执行任务,然后返回线程池等待下一个任务,线程池启动初期线程不会启动,有任务提交(调用execute或submit) 才会启动,直到到达最大数量就不再创建而是进入阻塞队列,优点通过重用现有的线程而不是创建新线程,可以处理多个请求时分摊在创建线程和销毁过程中产生的巨大开销,另外当请求到达时,工作线程通常已经存在,因此不会由于创建线程而延迟任务的执行,从而提高了性能。
  • 线程池的四种方式:
  • FixedThreadPool的用法 采用基于链表的阻塞队列 创建一个定长线程池,每当提交一个任务时就创建一个线程,直到线程池的最大数量,这时线程池的规模将不再变化 private static final ExecutorService bachTaskPool= Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); //使用了阻塞队列,超过池子容量的线程会在队列中等待
  • CachedThreadPool 创建一个可缓存线程池,如果线程池长度超过处理需要,可灵活收回空闲线程,若无可回收,则新建线程
    private static final ExecutorService bachTaskPool=Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); //源码使用的是同步队列
  • SingleThreadPool 创建一个单线程化的线程池,它只会用唯一的工作线程来执行任务,保证所有任务按照指定顺序(FIFO, LIFO, 优先级)执行。类似于单线程执行的效果一样。 private static final ExecutorService bachTaskPool=Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();//源码采用的阻塞队列模式
  • ScheduledThreadPool 创建一个定长线程池(会指定容量初始化大小),支持定时及周期性任务执行。可以实现一次性的执行延迟任务,也可以实现周期性的执行任务。 private static final ScheduledExecutorService bachTaskPool = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2);//任务调度功能 源码使用的是延迟队列

Four ways to implement multithreading in Java

    1. Inherit the Thread class, override the run method, and start the Thread. However, if the Thread is not started immediately, it will not start until the CPU allocates all the time to the current Thread
    1. Implement the Runnable method, initialize the Thread instance, and call the start method to start the Thread
    1. Both of the above two thread implementations have a disadvantage that they cannot get the return result after the completion of the thread task, so the callable interface and futurehe futureTask cooperate to get the return result to achieve the callable interface, and then create a new instance and call the start method
  • four. Thread pool here focus on why to use thread pool
  • implement the above three kinds of multi-threading are all new Thread instances, which has many disadvantages, such as 1. The Thread life cycle is very expensive, the creation of a Thread will require time to delay the processing of the request, requiring the virtual machine and operating system to provide some auxiliary operations
  1. Resource consumption. Active threads consume system resources, especially memory.If the number of threads available to run exceeds the number of processors available, some threads will be idle.A large number of idle threads can take up a lot of memory, putting pressure on the GC, and a large number of threads can generate others as they compete for CPU resources Performance overhead 3. The number of stable threads is limited, with increasing can improve the system throughput (instruction bar/execution time), but if more than expected to create more threads will only reduce the execution efficiency of the program or even cause the system to crash.
  • so if threads are created frequently, there is a thread pool, which is similar to a work queue which is equivalent to a pool of resources to manage the work of threads. It takes the task and executes the task, and then returns to the thread pool to wait for the next task. Will start, until you reach the largest number is no longer create but enter the blocking queue, advantages by reusing the existing thread rather than creating a new thread, share in create a thread to handle multiple requests and destruction process of huge overhead, and when the request arrives, the worker threads are usually already exists, so will not delay the task execution due to create a thread, so as to improve the performance.
  • four ways to pool threads:
  • the usage of FixedThreadPool USES a linked list-based blocking queue to create a fixed-length thread pool, one thread is created each time a task is submitted, until the maximum number of thread pools, where the size of the thread pool does not change Private static final ExecutorService bachTaskPool = Executors. NewFixedThreadPool (2);// using a blocking queue, threads that exceed the pool's capacity will wait in the queue
  • CachedThreadPool creates a cacheable thread pool with the flexibility to reclaim the idle thread if the thread pool length exceeds the processing requirements, or to create a new thread if there is no recovery Private static final ExecutorService bachTaskPool = Executors. NewCachedThreadPool ();// source code USES synchronous queues
  • SingleThreadPool creates a single-threaded thread pool that only USES a single worker thread to execute tasks, ensuring that all tasks execute in the specified order (FIFO, LIFO, priority).Similar to single threaded execution. Private static final ExecutorService bachTaskPool = Executors. NewSingleThreadExecutor ();// the blocking queue mode adopted by the source code
  • ScheduledThreadPool creates a fixed-length thread pool (which specifies the size of the capacity initialization) that supports scheduled and periodic task execution.You can implement either a one-time deferred task or a periodic task. Private static final ScheduledExecutorService bachTaskPool = Executors. NewScheduledThreadPool (2);// task scheduling function source USES the delay queue


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