Go library for working with the Jenkins Remote access API (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Remote+access+API)
go get github.com/mulander/gojenkins
or just import "github.com/mulander/gojenkins"
in your code.
In active development and maintained. Bugs/feature request reported on the github issue tracker will be actively fixed.
- Authentication with the Jenkins json api
- List all jobs on the Baseurl Jenkins server
- List artifacts from the provided build of the job
- Download the artifact from the specified build of the provided job (returns a Reader)
Pull requests and tickets welcome.
Good places for initial tasks:
- https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Remote+access+API take a look at available functionality
- Install a jenkins server and append /api/json to urls, look at the output and implement start hacking on an API
- Write more unit tests :)
The following example downloads all artifacts from a job named 'gojenkins' and saves it locally to disk.
jenkins = &Jenkins{
Baseurl: "http://some.jenkins.build.server.example.com",
jenkins.SetAuth("user", "secret-api-token")
// List all Jenkins jobs
jobs, err := jenkins.Jobs()
if err != nil {
// List all artifacts of the gojenkins job
artifacts, err := jenkins.Artifacts(jobs["gojenkins"], "lastSuccessfulBuild")
if err != nil {
// For every job artifact
for _, artifact := range artifacts {
out, err := os.Create(artifact.FileName)
if err != nil {
defer out.Close()
// perform a download receiving a reader
a, err := jenkins.Download(jobs[testJob], "lastSuccessfulBuild", artifact)
if err != nil {
defer a.Close()
// store it to disk using io/ioutil
_, err := io.Copy(out, a)
if err != nil {