- change your latexmk config $HOME/.latexmkrc
$dvi_previewer = 'start xdvi -watchfile 1.5';
$ps_previewer = 'start gv --watch';
$pdf_previewer = 'start zathura';
- set zathura as default viewer
- change your zathura config $HOME/.config/zathura/zathurarc
set synctex true
set synctex-editor-command "nvr --remote-silent +%{line} %{input}"
- enable synctex set synctex-editor-command, needed for backward search (zathura to neovim)
- ctrl + left click in pdf opens source file
latexmk -pdf -interaction=nonstopmode -pvc -quiet -synctex=1 -shell-escape <my_main_file>.tex
- run latexmk
output pdf-synctex=1
enable synctex-pvc
continuously checking all input files for changes and re-compile the whole document if needed and always display the result- more information here
- add the following to your latex files in the very first line
% !TEX root = <my_main_file.tex>
- you need to set the path to your main latex file, so that the plugin can show the correct preview