Real time Apache log analyzer, based on top 10 OWASP vulnerabilities, identifies attempts of exploration in your web application, and notify you or your incident team on Telegram, Zabbix and Syslog/SIEM.
ARTLAS uses the regular expression from the PHP-IDS project, to identify the attempts of exploration, download link to the latest version of the file Download File
-Added CEF for syslog and SIEM -Added option to connect in syslog servers or SIEM’s -Added Zabbix integration with differents triggers -Code review added class structure -Added vhost capability -Added verbose outup enabled -Zabbix Notifications bugs fixed
Zabbix Version 2.4 and 3.0 SySlog SIEM Telegram
Apache Apache vHost Nginx Nginx vHost
Clone project git clone dependencies pip install -r dependencies.txt python version 2.7.11(lastet)
Install screen sudo apt-get install screen #Debian Like sbopkg -i screen # Slackware 14.* yum install screen # CentOS/RHEL
dnf install screeen # Fedora
All your configurations will be made in etc/artlas.conf file.TELEGRAM INTEGRATION [Telegram] api = Your Token API group_id = Group/User ID that will receive the notifications enable = True to send notificantions or False to not send.
ZABBIX CONFIGURATION [Zabbix] server_name = hostname of the server in zabbix agentd_config = Zabbix agent configuration file enable_advantage_keys = True or False to use advanced triggers notifications = true to enable or false to disable triggers notifications enable = true to enable or false to disable
SYSLOG/SIEM CONFIGURATION [CEF_Syslog] server_name = IP or Hostname SySlog/SIEM server enable = True or False to enable
GENERAL CONFIGURATION [General] apache_log = Full path apache access.log apache_mask = Mask to identify the fields in the apache access log vhost_enable = True to enable or False to disable vhosts rules = etc/default_filter.json It's the file that contains the OWASP filter [Do not Change]
screen -S artlas python CTRL+A+D
Matheus Bernardes a.k.a. G4mbler Henrique Gonçalves a.k.a. Kamus Hadenes André Déo