The DDalphaAMG solver library is an inverter for Wilson-Clover fermions from lattice QCD.
The main directory contains a makefile example. The standard makefile should work with a few adjustments (compiler and MPI library) on the machine of your choice. Once the necessary adjustments of the makefile are done, the command
"make -f yourmakefile -j numberofthreads wilson"
should compile the whole entire Wilson solver code, such that it is ready to be run. The makefile contains additional rules "library" and "documentation" for compiling the code as a library and for compiling the user documentation. the library interface can be found in the "include" folder.
After having compiled the user documentation via "make documentation" please consult the compiled PDF in /doc for further information.
This repository has been forked multiple times for different purposes and uses. In particular, find:
-- GPU improvements (Wilson) here :
-- coarsest-level improvements (Twisted Mass) here :