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Pinba module for nginx


This is a Pinba module for nginx. It sends statistics packets by UDP that are received and processed by Pinba server to be accessible through MySQL interface. See for more details on how Pinba works.


Because PHP stats are simply not enough and we want to see some more info directly from nginx servers. HTTP status codes stats were among the main reasons, but there is a lot more data than that. And more data means more nice graphs, yay!


nginx sources, C compiler.


Add this to your nginx configure line:


and then do make install.

Configuration options

All configuration options must be added to the http {} section of the config file, but you can always modify them in location/server sections.

pinba_enable - on/off. The module is disabled by default.

pinba_server - the adress of Pinba server.
Should be a valid host:port or ip_address:port combination.

pinba_ignore_codes - a list of HTTP status codes.
Can be comma separated list or comma separated ranges of codes or both.
No data packet will be sent if a request is finished with a final status from the list.

pinba_ignore_codes 200-399,499;

Make sure there are no spaces between the values, though.

pinba_buffer_size - integer number.
In general case you don't need this option.
And to use it you'll have to upgrade Pinba server to the latest version first.
That said, you might want to prevent nginx overloading your network by sending tons of packets, especially if you have a heavy loaded server. So the module can keep the data in the buffer and will send it only when there is no free space left the buffer. You'll have to tweak this value yourself, I can only say that Pinba packet size depends mostly on the URLs that are requested and in general case is less than 100 bytes.

$pinba_request_uri - variable. Use this variable to specify custom script name value, the module always checks if this variable is defined and if it is, uses it. The default value is nginx $request_uri variable without its GET parameters.

$pinba_hostname - variable. Use this variable to specify custom hostname value, the module always checks if this variable is defined and if it is, uses it. The default value is the result of gethostname() function.

$pinba_request_schema - variable. Use this variable to specify custom HTTP schema, the module always checks if this variable is defined and if it is, uses it. The default value is detected this way:

if (r->connection->ssl) {
	/* schema = "https" */
} else {
	/* schema = "http" */

Request tags

You can use request tags for tagging requests in the following way:

pinba_tag country US;
pinba_tag ua firefox;

Each request may feature an arbitrary number of tags, which could be using to create filtered reports in Pinba (say, a report showing User-Agent distribution only for US, as in the example).


Timers provide a way to measure how much time it took to execute a certain part of the code. nginx, of course, doesn't have access to your code and cannoe measure it automatically, but you can set the timer's value manually. To do this, use the following syntax:

pinba_timer 1.25 3 {
	server $hostname;
	group db;

This will create new timer with a value = 1.25 sec, hit count = 3, and 3 tags: server, group with the appropriate values. Variables are allowed for all parameters:

pinba_timer $timer_value {
	$tag $value;

Hit count is optional and set to 1 by default.


Pinba module for nginx






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