Produce a time schedule for a Game Development project with given number of workers with different domain cc. This is a part of second year project on Visual Basic Lab. NOTE : Work Hour starts from 10 AM to 10 PM
###Expected Features / TODO
- At a specific time, only one employee for a specific domain can arrive.
- Different Work domain for each employee (Programmer, Graphics Designer and Sound Designer)
- Different Entry / Exit times for each employee.
- Different number of working days for each employee (within Monday - Friday, we don't like to make anyone work on weekends, we are not that bad)
- Different hours of work for each day for each employee.
- Display of full schedule for all employee (Normal Time Table)
- Display of Time Table only for specific domain of employee (Checkbox). For Example - to display the schedule for only sound designers, or only sound and graphics designers
For more info check out the Documentation (Not updated yet).
- All the Database for the project can be found in the "Database" Folder
###Softwares Used