How to implement CoRedux for Android
CoRedux is a stateless data store for Android modeled after the Redux design pattern popular in JavaScript. This repository demonstrates one way to implement CoRedux.
Although CoRedux provides a Redux data store, it is hard to use with a user interface because it lacks anything equivalent to React Redux. React Redux seamlessly propagates state changes to the user interface (UI). It does this by smartly re-rendering the specifics parts of a UI that depend on specific slices of state. Thus it automatically manages the relationship between the UI and the state. Google doesn't currently recommend anything like React Redux for Android development.
Google's Android Architecture Components recommends that we keep our data in a ViewModel and update the user interface via LiveData. So in the how-to-coredux project we've attempted to propagate the changes in the ViewModel's CoRedux data store to the UI via LiveData.
Another approach would be to replace Android's UI layer with something more like React. See the section below on [Further Areas of Exploration] for some libraries that may make this approach possible. But for the purposes of the how-to-coredux project we attempted to stick as much as possible to the Google's suggested architecture.
The CoRedux repository provides good instructions on how to set up CoRedux. To propagate state changes to the UI, the how-to-coredux project implements a CoRedux side effect:
private val updateUISideEffect = object : SideEffect<HowToReduxState, HowToReduxAction> {
override val name: String = "updateUISideEffect"
override fun CoroutineScope.start(
input: ReceiveChannel<HowToReduxAction>,
stateAccessor: StateAccessor<HowToReduxState>,
output: SendChannel<HowToReduxAction>,
logger: SideEffectLogger
): Job = launch(context = CoroutineName(name)) {
for (action in input) {
val s = stateAccessor()
when (action) {
is Initialize_Start, Initialize_Finish -> {
is ShowVideoFragment_Start, ShowVideoFragment_Finish -> {
HideVideoFragment_Start, HideVideoFragment_Finish -> {
LoadVideo_Start, LoadVideo_Finish -> {
CoRedux calls updateUISideEffect
each time it reduces the state in response to an action. updateUISideEffect
essentially determines which piece of state affects which piece of UI. It tries to translate each CoRedux state change to a LiveData update via a function maybeUpdateLiveData
* [isXInProgress] remains null until we're ready to set it to true to trigger a UI event
* Once non-null, always propagate the [_isXInProgress] changes to [isXInProgress]
private fun maybeUpdateLiveData(
isXInProgress: MutableLiveData<Boolean>,
_isXInProgress: Boolean
) {
if (null == isXInProgress.value) {
if (_isXInProgress) {
isXInProgress.value = _isXInProgress
} else {
if (_isXInProgress != isXInProgress.value) {
isXInProgress.value = _isXInProgress
checks if the value of each piece of state differs from its corresponding LiveData value. If it detects a discrepancy, then maybeUpdateLiveData
synchronizes the LiveData to its corresponding state variable. maybeUpdateLiveData
makes magic happen because the UI updates each time the LiveData updates.
To update the UI, the how-to-coredux project subscribes to LiveData changes in the initUIObservers
of each Fragment:
private fun initUIObservers() {
howToViewModel.isInitializeInProgress.observe(this, Observer {
if (it) {
Each Observer
responds when the LiveData value changes from false
to true
. When it completes its response, it takes responsibility for setting the LiveData value from true
back to false
. To do that, it dispatches an action to signify that the original action is complete. Thus in how-to-coredux each action that starts a UI update has a corresponding action to signify the UI update completed. This allows for asynchronous UI handling which will be explained in the following example.
how-to-coredux shows how to load a video asynchronously so that the UI could show and hide a loading indicator when loading begins and ends, respectively. When a user clicks the name of the video from the list on the main page, it pops open an Android Fragment
). When that Fragment opens it dispatches the action LoadVideo_Start
as follows:
Our reducer updates the state variable _isShowVideoFragmentInProgress
to true
so that our state reflects that the asynchronous task is in-progress:
LoadVideo_Start -> {
state.copy(_isLoadVideoInProgress = true)
Later when the asynchronous event finishes we will set _isLoadVideoInProgress
back to false
to signify that it's no longer in progress. More on that later. First we'll explain how the CoRedux side effect causes the UI to be updated.
The CoRedux side effect in our project is called updateUISideEffect
and it propagates the _isLoadVideoInProgress
state change to its corresponding LiveData, isLoadVideoInProgress
LoadVideo_Start, LoadVideo_Finish -> {
Note that this same piece of code not only propagates the value
but also will propagatefalse
later in the flow of execution, as will be explained below.
We've adopted a naming convention of _isXInProgress
for the CoRedux state variable and isXInProgress
for its corresponding LiveData.
To begin the actual loading, our Fragment
registers an Observer
of the LiveData
howToViewModel.isLoadVideoInProgress.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
if (it) {
This could perform any asynchronous code; in our case it loads a video as follows:
private fun maybeLoadVideoAsynchronously() {
val howToVideoShown = howToViewModel.state.value!!.howToVideoShown!!
val videoStr =
"<html><body>${}<br><iframe width=\"380\" height=\"300\" src=\"${howToVideoShown.url}\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe></body></html>"
if (null == playVideoWebView.url || !playVideoWebView.url.endsWith(videoStr)) {
playVideoWebView.loadData(videoStr, "text/html", "utf-8")
} else {
That's a lot of detail, where the essential bit is the loadData()
call that kicks off the asynchronous loading. Here we could also display an animated loading indicator (we will elaborate on that below).
Now that we've got the loading taken care of, the last part is to detect when it finishes. Most asynchronous functions offer some mechanism for you, the programmer, to know when they're done. Thankfully that mechanism is available for the loadData()
playVideoWebView.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {
override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView, url: String): Boolean {
return false
override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView?, url: String?) {
if (null != url && url != ABOUT_URL) {
The essential bit is the override fun onPageFinished()
which simply dispatches LoadVideo_Finish
We have already described how one action got processed and now we have another. The first action we described was the LoadVideo_Start
action which began the asynchronous processing. Now we'll cover its corresponding action, LoadVideo_Finish
which signifies the end of the asynchronous action.
LoadVideo_Finish -> {
state.copy(_isLoadVideoInProgress = false)
Earlier you saw the following code snippet from our CoRedux side effect updateUISideEffect
LoadVideo_Start, LoadVideo_Finish -> {
Just as for the case of LoadVideo_Start
, we now handle LoadVideo_Finish
by propagating the false
value of _isLoadVideoInProgress
to its corresponding LiveData, isLoadVideoInProgress
That's it for our implementation but a more user-friendly implementation would show and hide a loading indicator. To show and hide that indicator, you can make use of the Observer
howToViewModel.isLoadVideoInProgress.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
if (it) {
// SHOW loading indicator
} else {
// HIDE loading indicator
Asynchronous code confounds those who wish to test their code. Asynchronous code that alters a user interface compounds the problem for test automation enthusiasts. Fortunately Android's Espresso framework offers a solution in form of Espresso idling resource counting. And idling resource counter is a bit misnamed because it actually counts resources that ARE NOT idle. Suffice it to say, when its count decrements down to 0, that means all resources are idle. And when all resources are idle, the Espresso test framework knows it can proceed with the next test instruction.
Applying idling resource counting to code in the how-to-coredux project was as easy as adding another side effect:
private val espressoTestIdlingResourceSideEffect =
object : SideEffect<HowToReduxState, HowToReduxAction> {
override val name: String = "updateUISideEffect"
override fun CoroutineScope.start(
input: ReceiveChannel<HowToReduxAction>,
stateAccessor: StateAccessor<HowToReduxState>,
output: SendChannel<HowToReduxAction>,
logger: SideEffectLogger
): Job = launch(context = CoroutineName(name)) {
for (action in input) {
val espressoTestIdlingResource =
(application as HowToApplication).espressoTestIdlingResource
when (action) {
is Initialize_Start, is ShowVideoFragment_Start, LoadVideo_Start, HideVideoFragment_Start -> {
Initialize_Finish, ShowVideoFragment_Finish, LoadVideo_Finish, HideVideoFragment_Finish -> {
Each of the *_Start
actions results in an increment()
of the idling resource counter and likewise each *_Finish
action results in a decrement()
. Again, note the "idling resource counter" is actually counts how many asynchronous calls are in progress, meaning it counts the number of resources that are NOT idle. If you can overlook that poor choice of names, the espressoTestIdlingResourceSideEffect
is a very simple mechanism to the challenging problem of testing asynchronous UI code.
Others have been exploring the idea of updating a UI automatically on state changes. For example, Anvil is a "library for creating reactive user interfaces". The article Writing a Todo app with Redux on Android shows how to subscribe the UI to changes in state by calling:
It would be interesting to see how Anvil works with CoRedux.