For my day job, I am an assistant professor of Biomechanical Engineering at Delft University of Technology. Most of the open-source software I contribute to is for supporting the research we do at the Bicycle Laboratorium and concerns the simulation and analysis of the human-bicycle system's motion. I also write software to support my teaching and learning activities as well as tinker with programming as a hobby. I strive to use and contribute to open-source software in the majority of computing I do. I have been a Linux user since 2008 and maintain repositories of my dotfiles and useful scripts. I write most of my software with Vim in type hint-free Python, which is a beautiful language to read and write, but I also write R, Bash, Octave/Matlab, C, and HTML/CSS/JS.
I wrote my 2012 Ph.D. dissertation in the open with the goal of full computational reproducibility, from raw data to figures and tables in the document, and to have both a website and print version. Since then, I have tried to make all my subsequent manuscripts reproducible in the same way. I have contributed code to SymPy since 2011 and maintain the physics vector, mechanics, and biomechanics packages therein for both research and teaching. I also help maintain other SymPy physics packages and its code generation tools. To support my and my lab's research, I have written and/or maintain a number of software packages: BicycleParameters, DynamicistToolKit, yeadon, HumanControl, pydy, GaitAnalysisToolKit, opty, and cyipopt.
I employ the ideas of computational thinking in much of my pedagogical design and have written a book on computational multibody dynamics, a software package for learning about mechanical vibrations, and contributed to a book on Teaching and Learning with Jupyter. I try to make all of my teaching materials open access, which can be found on my various course websites: eme134, eme150a, eme171, eme185, eng004, eng122, mae223, mae297, me41035, me41055.