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urmaul committed May 17, 2024
1 parent 8aa960c commit c820ba0
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 276 deletions.
276 changes: 0 additions & 276 deletions src/main/scala/io/moia/protos/teleproto/WriterImpl.scala
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package io.moia.protos.teleproto

//import io.scalaland.chimney
import io.scalaland.chimney.Transformer

//import scala.collection.compat._
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox

Expand All @@ -28,7 +25,6 @@ class WriterImpl(val c: blackbox.Context) extends FormatImpl {

private[this] val writerObj = objectRef[Writer.type]
private[this] val transformerObj = objectRef[Transformer.type]
// private[this] val seqTpe = typeOf[scala.collection.immutable.Seq[_]].typeConstructor

/** Validates if business model type can be written to the Protocol Buffers type (matching case classes or matching sealed trait
* hierarchy). If just forward compatible then raise a warning.
Expand All @@ -40,43 +36,12 @@ class WriterImpl(val c: blackbox.Context) extends FormatImpl {
val modelType = weakTypeTag[M].tpe
val protobufType = weakTypeTag[P].tpe

// if (checkClassTypes(protobufType, modelType)) {
// ensureValidTypes(protobufType, modelType)
// val (result, compatibility) = compileClassMapping(protobufType, modelType)
// warnForwardCompatible(protobufType, modelType, compatibility)
// traceCompiled(result)
// } else
if (checkEnumerationTypes(protobufType, modelType)) {
val (result, compatibility) = compileEnumerationMapping(protobufType, modelType)
warnForwardCompatible(protobufType, modelType, compatibility)
} else
// if (checkHierarchyTypes(protobufType, modelType)) {
// val (result, compatibility) = compileTraitMapping(protobufType, modelType)
// warnForwardCompatible(protobufType, modelType, compatibility)
// traceCompiled(result)
// } else
// abort(
// s"Cannot create a writer from `$modelType` to `$protobufType`. Just mappings between a) case classes b) hierarchies + sealed traits c) sealed traits from enums are possible."
// )
// look for an implicit transformer
// val transformerType = appliedType(c.weakTypeTag[chimney.Transformer[_, _]].tpe, modelType, protobufType)
// val existingTransformer =
// try {
// c.inferImplicitValue(transformerType)
// } catch {
// // Return EmptyTree in case of errors
// case _: Throwable => EmptyTree
// }

// "ask" for the implicit transformer or use the found one
// def askTransformer = if (existingTransformer != EmptyTree) {
// q"implicitly[$transformerType]"
// } else {
// // q"import io.moia.protos.teleproto.Writer._; $transformerObj.derive[$modelType, $protobufType]"
// q"import io.moia.protos.teleproto.Writer._; $transformerObj.define[$modelType, $protobufType].enableDefaultValues.buildTransformer"
// }
def askTransformer =
q"import io.moia.protos.teleproto.Writer._; $transformerObj.define[$modelType, $protobufType].enableDefaultValues.buildTransformer"

Expand All @@ -87,247 +52,6 @@ class WriterImpl(val c: blackbox.Context) extends FormatImpl {

// /** Passes a tree to `f` that is of type `Writer[$modelType, $protobufType]`.
// *
// * If such a type is not implicitly available checks if a writer can be generated, then generates and returns it. If not "asks" for it
// * implicitly and let the compiler explain the problem if it does not exist.
// *
// * If the writer is generated, that might cause a compatibility issue.
// *
// * The result is `f` applied to the writer expression with the (possible) compatibility issues of writer generation (if happened).
// */
// private def withImplicitWriter(modelType: Type, protobufType: Type)(compileInner: Tree => Tree): Compiled = {
// // look for an implicit writer
// val writerType = appliedType(c.weakTypeTag[Writer[_, _]].tpe, modelType, protobufType)
// val existingWriter =
// try {
// c.inferImplicitValue(writerType)
// } catch {
// // Return EmptyTree in case of errors
// case _: Throwable => EmptyTree
// }
// // "ask" for the implicit writer or use the found one
// def ask: Compiled = (compileInner(q"implicitly[$writerType]"), Compatibility.full)
// if (existingWriter == EmptyTree)
//// if (checkClassTypes(protobufType, modelType)) {
//// val (implicitValue, compatibility) = compileClassMapping(protobufType, modelType)
//// val result = compileInner(implicitValue)
//// (result, compatibility)
//// } else
//// if (checkEnumerationTypes(protobufType, modelType)) {
//// val (implicitValue, compatibility) = compileEnumerationMapping(protobufType, modelType)
//// val result = compileInner(implicitValue)
//// (result, compatibility)
//// } else if (checkHierarchyTypes(protobufType, modelType)) {
//// val (implicitValue, compatibility) = compileTraitMapping(protobufType, modelType)
//// val result = compileInner(implicitValue)
//// (result, compatibility)
//// } else
// {
// // look for an implicit transformer
// val transformerType = appliedType(c.weakTypeTag[chimney.Transformer[_, _]].tpe, modelType, protobufType)
// val existingTransformer =
// try {
// c.inferImplicitValue(transformerType)
// } catch {
// // Return EmptyTree in case of errors
// case _: Throwable => EmptyTree
// }
// // "ask" for the implicit transformer or use the found one
// def askTransformer = if (existingTransformer != EmptyTree) {
// q"implicitly[$transformerType]"
// } else {
//// q"import io.moia.protos.teleproto.Writer._; $transformerObj.derive[$modelType, $protobufType]"
// q"import io.moia.protos.teleproto.Writer._; $transformerObj.define[$modelType, $protobufType].enableDefaultValues.buildTransformer"
// }
// def writerFromTransformer: Compiled =
// (compileInner(q"$writerObj.fromTransformer[$modelType, $protobufType]($askTransformer)"), Compatibility.full)
// writerFromTransformer // use the available transformer implicit
// } else
// ask // use the available implicit
// }

// /** Simple compilation schema for forward compatible writers:
// *
// * Iterate through the parameters of the business model case class and compile arguments for the Protocol Buffers case class:
// * - If name is missing in protobuf, ignore (forward compatible)
// * - If name is missing in model but has a default value, do not pass as argument to get default value (forward compatible)
// * - If name is missing in model but is optional, pass `None` (forward compatible)
// * - Otherwise convert using `transform`, `optional` or `present`.
// */
// private def compileClassMapping(protobufType: Type, modelType: Type): Compiled = {
// // at this point all errors are assumed to be due to evolution
// val protobufCompanion = protobufType.typeSymbol.companion
// val protobufCons = protobufType.member(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
// val modelCons = modelType.member(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
// val protobufParams = protobufCons.paramLists.headOption.getOrElse(Nil).map(_.asTerm)
// val modelParams = modelCons.paramLists.headOption.getOrElse(Nil).map(_.asTerm)
// def transformation(parameters: Seq[MatchingParam], ownCompatibility: Compatibility): Compiled = {
// val model = c.freshName(TermName("model"))
// val namedArguments = {
// // unmatched parameters with default values are not passed: they get their defaults
// case (_, SkippedDefaultParam) => None
// case (paramSym, TransformParam(from, to)) =>
// val param =
// val arg = if (from <:< to) {
// (q"$model.$param", Compatibility.full)
// } else if (to <:< weakTypeOf[Option[_]] && !(from <:< weakTypeOf[Option[_]])) {
// withImplicitWriter(from, innerType(to)) { writer =>
// q"$writerObj.present[$from, ${innerType(to)}]($model.$param)($writer)"
// }
// } else if (to <:< weakTypeOf[Option[_]] && from <:< weakTypeOf[Option[_]]) {
// withImplicitWriter(innerType(from), innerType(to)) { writer =>
// q"$writerObj.optional[${innerType(from)}, ${innerType(to)}]($model.$param)($writer)"
// }
// } else if (from <:< weakTypeOf[IterableOnce[_]] && to <:< weakTypeOf[scala.collection.immutable.Seq[_]]) {
// val innerFrom = innerType(from)
// val innerTo = innerType(to)
// withImplicitWriter(innerFrom, innerTo) { writer =>
// // collection also needs an implicit sequence generator which must be looked up since the implicit for the value writer is passed explicitly
// val canBuildFrom = VersionSpecific.lookupFactory(c)(innerTo, to)
// q"$writerObj.collection[$innerFrom, $innerTo, $seqTpe]($model.$param)($canBuildFrom, $writer)"
// }
// } else if (from <:< weakTypeOf[IterableOnce[_]] && to <:< weakTypeOf[Seq[_]]) {
// val innerFrom = innerType(from)
// val innerTo = innerType(to)
// withImplicitWriter(innerFrom, innerTo) { writer =>
// q"$writerObj.sequence[$innerFrom, $innerTo]($model.$param)($writer)"
// }
// } else {
// withImplicitWriter(from, to) { writer =>
// q"$writerObj.transform[$from, $to]($model.$param)($writer)"
// }
// }
// Some(param -> arg)
// }
// val args = for ((name, (arg, _)) <- namedArguments) yield q"$name = $arg"
// val cons = q"${protobufCompanion.asTerm}.apply(..$args)"
// val innerCompatibilities = for ((_, (_, innerCompatibility)) <- namedArguments) yield innerCompatibility
// val compatibility = innerCompatibilities.foldRight(ownCompatibility)(_.merge(_))
// val result = q"$writerObj.instance[$modelType, $protobufType] { case $model => $cons }"
// (result, compatibility)
// }
// compareCaseAccessors(modelType, protobufParams, modelParams) match {
// case Compatible(parameters) =>
// transformation(parameters, Compatibility.full)
// case ForwardCompatible(surplusParameters, defaultParameters, parameters) =>
// transformation(parameters, Compatibility( -> _), -> _), Nil))
// }
// }

// private sealed trait Matching
// /* Same arity */
// private case class Compatible(parameters: Seq[MatchingParam]) extends Matching
// /* Missing names on Protobuf side and missing names on Model side */
// private case class ForwardCompatible(
// surplusParameters: Iterable[String],
// defaultParameters: Iterable[String],
// parameters: Seq[MatchingParam]
// ) extends Matching
// private sealed trait MatchingParam
// private case class TransformParam(from: Type, to: Type) extends MatchingParam
// private case object SkippedDefaultParam extends MatchingParam

// private def compareCaseAccessors(
// modelType: Type,
// protobufParams: List[TermSymbol],
// modelParams: List[TermSymbol]
// ): Matching = {
// val protobufByName = symbolsByName(protobufParams)
// val modelByName = symbolsByName(modelParams)
// val surplusModelNames = modelByName.keySet diff protobufByName.keySet
// val matchingProtobufParams: List[MatchingParam] =
// for (protobufParam <- protobufParams) yield {
// modelByName.get( match {
// case Some(modelParam) =>
// // resolve type parameters to their actual bindings
// val sourceType = modelParam.typeSignature.asSeenFrom(modelType, modelType.typeSymbol)
// TransformParam(sourceType, protobufParam.typeSignature)
// case None =>
// SkippedDefaultParam
// }
// }
// val namedMatchedParams =
// val forwardCompatibleModelParamNames =
// namedMatchedParams.collect { case (name, SkippedDefaultParam) =>
// name
// }
// if (surplusModelNames.nonEmpty || forwardCompatibleModelParamNames.nonEmpty) {
// ForwardCompatible(
// matchingProtobufParams
// )
// } else {
// Compatible(matchingProtobufParams)
// }
// }

// /** Iterate through the sub-types of the model and check for a corresponding method in the inner value of the protobuf type. If there are
// * more types on the protobuf side, the mapping is forward compatible. If there are more types on the model side, the mapping is not
// * possible.
// *
// * {{{
// * (p: model.FooOrBar) =>
// * if (p.isInstanceOf[model.Foo])
// * protobuf.FooOrBar(protobuf.FooOrBar.Value.Foo(transform[model.Foo, protobuf.Foo](value.asInstanceOf[model.Foo])))
// * else
// * protobuf.FooOrBar(protobuf.FooOrBar.Value.Bar(transform[model.Bar, protobuf.Bar](value.asInstanceOf[model.Bar])))
// * }}}
// */
// private def compileTraitMapping(protobufType: Type, modelType: Type): Compiled = {
// val protobufClass = protobufType.typeSymbol.asClass
// val modelClass = modelType.typeSymbol.asClass
// val protobufSubclasses = symbolsByName(protobufClass.knownDirectSubclasses)
// val modelSubclasses = symbolsByName(modelClass.knownDirectSubclasses)
// if (protobufSubclasses.isEmpty)
// error(s"No case subclasses of sealed trait `${protobufClass.fullName}` found.")
// val unmatchedModelClasses = modelSubclasses.keySet diff protobufSubclasses.keySet
// if (unmatchedModelClasses.nonEmpty)
// error(s"`${protobufClass.fullName}` does not match ${showNames(unmatchedModelClasses)} subclasses of `${modelClass.fullName}`.")
// val surplusProtobufClasses = protobufSubclasses.keySet - EmptyOneOf diff modelSubclasses.keySet
// val ownCompatibility = Compatibility(Nil, Nil, => (protobufType, name.toString)))
// val valueMethod = protobufType.member(ValueMethod).asMethod
// val model = c.freshName(TermName("model"))
// val subTypes = for {
// (className, protobufSubclass) <- protobufSubclasses
// modelSubclass <- modelSubclasses.get(className)
// } yield {
// withImplicitWriter(classTypeOf(modelSubclass), valueMethod.infoIn(classTypeOf(protobufSubclass))) { writer =>
// cq"$model: $modelSubclass => new $protobufSubclass($writer.write($model))"
// }
// }
// val (cases, compatibility) = subTypes.unzip
// val result = q"$writerObj.instance[$modelType, $protobufType] { case ..$cases }"
// (result, compatibility.fold(ownCompatibility)(_ merge _))
// }

/** The protobuf and model types have to be sealed traits. Iterate through the known subclasses of the model and match the ScalaPB side.
* If there are more options on the protobuf side, the mapping is forward compatible. If there are more options on the model side, the
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