Object based Image Fusion and Change Detection tools for Opticks.
Hi this is the Readme file for my Gsoc 2013 project "Object based Image Fusion and Change Detection tools for Opticks."
It has a folder named CD.
- Copy CD "\application\PlugIns\src"
- COpy CDF_plugin.sln to "\application"
- set an enviornment variable "OPTICKSDEPENDENCIES" to the dependencies folder in the sdk, and set OPTICKS_CODE_DIR to point it to the opticks sdk.
- run CDF_plugin in visual studio and build as per your choice.
For running the plugin in opticks : Copy the dll files from Release folder of build "\Build\Binaries-Win32-release\PlugIns" to the plugin folder of Opticks installation. Run opticks.
I have added folder named OA_data. This folder contains the meanshift (executable that implements the meanshift algorithm for image segmentation) and folders for output and intermediate files You just have to give the location of "OA_data" folder when you are asked to browse for data folder.
The mean shift code is made using the "EDISON" project. The shape file at the end is saved in the output folder of the OA_data folder.