An autoliker script for Instagram.
- Selenium Webdriver
- Gecko Driver (included in the repository)
- os
- time
- getpass
- sys
- Make sure selenium and Mozilla Firefox are installed on your system.
- Selenium Installation(from command line): pip install selenium
- You probably know how to install Firefox
- Clone this repository, get to the directory.
- Create a file named keys.txt in the directory of this repository.
- Add your Instagram account username in the first line of the keys.txt file.
- Add your Instagram account password in the second line of the keys.txt file.
- Save the changes of the file.
- Run using 'python3'.
- Provide the number of posts you wish to like.
- The script searches for number of unliked posts you wish to like from your feed and likes them.
- Use headless browser. I tried to use chrome-headless but its quite slow.
- Add functionality of liking all the posts of a particular person that you are following.
- Improve scrolling and error checking.