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Search EC2 instance easily


Cargo Install

With Rust's package manager cargo, you can install via:

$ cargo install ec2-search

If you install the latest master branch commit

$ cargo install --git --branch master


macOS or Linux

$ brew tap mocyuto/tap
$ brew install ec2-search

Setup Completion

If you install by brew command, it is set automatically. Otherwise, you run below.

# zsh
$ ec2s completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_ec2s

# bash
$ ec2s completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/ec2s


$ ec2s help

AWS credentials

ec2-search needs aws credentials, so you need to set credentials. You can use Environment value or "~/.aws/credentials".


if set and not empty the value of the environment variable AWS_PROFILE otherwise default


Search instance info.

$ ec2s instance help
# or alias. see help
$ ec2s i help 


display basic info

$ ec2s i info -q api
ID           Name       Status   Type
i-012345678  test-api1  running  t2.micro
counts: 1

# display wide when set -o option
$ ec2s i info -q api -o wide
ID           Name       Status   Type     PrivateDNS                                      PrivateIP  AZ              LifeCycle
i-012345678  test-api1  running  t2.micro ip-10-10-10-10.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal   ap-northeast-1  spot

# display tag column when set -T option
$ ec2s i info -q api -T Name,env
ID           Name       Status   Type     Name      env
i-012345678  test-api1  running  t2.micro test-api1 staging

# display all tag columns when set --show-all-tags option
$ ec2s i info -q api --show-all-tags
ID           Name       Status   Type     Name      env
i-012345678  test-api1  running  t2.micro test-api1 staging

instance ids

display instance ids

## like search
$ ec2s instance ids -q "api"
ID           Name
i-012345678  test-api1
i-023456789  test-api2
counts: 2

instance ips

Display instance public and private IPs.

$ ec2s instance ips -q "api"
Private IP   Public IP  Name                test-api1                test-api2
counts: 2

instance DNS name

Display instance public and private DNS name

$ ec2s i dns -q api
Private DNS                                      Public DNS  Name
 ip-10-10-10-10.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal              test-api1
 ip-10-10-10-11.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal              test-api2
counts: 2

Target Group

$ ec2s target-group help
# or alias
$ ec2s tg help


Display Target Group info

$ ec2s tg info -q api
 Name            TargetType  LB
 aaaaa-api       ip          ["aaaaa-bbbb-apialb"]
 bbbbb-api       ip          ["bbbbb-cccc-apiinteralb"]
 api-web         instance    ["prd-api-web"]
counts: 5

Target Health

Display Target Health

$ ec2s tg health -q api-web
 ID                   Port  Status
 i-01002020202000101  80    healthy
counts: 1

Auto Scaling Group

$ ec2s auto-scaling-group help
# or alias
$ ec2s asg help


Display Auto Scaling Group info

$ ec2s asg info -q eks
 Name               Instances  Desired  Min  Max
 prd-eks-autoscale  7          7        1    40
 prd-eks-stateful   6          6        4    20
 stg-eks-autoscale  1          1        1    20
 stg-eks-stateful   2          2        1    10
counts: 4


Display Auto Scaling Group Instances.

$ ec2s asg inst -q stg-eks-api-autoscale
 ID                   LifeCycle  InstanceType  AZ               Status
 i-01010101010101011  InService  t3.medium     ap-northeast-1c  Healthy
counts: 1