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Generic Steps (sentences)

Márcio Mendes edited this page Oct 31, 2017 · 7 revisions

Web Steps


user waits for 10 seconds : Force a sleep during the execution.

  • e.g: user waits for 10 seconds

user stores the value 'text' in variable 'var_name' : Store any value inside a custom variable for future uses.

  • e.g: user stores the value 'some value' in variable 'myVar'

user stores the following list of variables : Store a list of any value inside a custom list of variables for future uses

  • e.g: user stores the following list of variables:
    • | myVar01 | var value 01 |
    • | myVar02 | var value 02 |

user prints the message 'message' to console Log the custom message to console.

  • e.g: user prints the message 'hello world' to console

user prints all variables to console : Log all current created variables to console.

  • e.g: user prints all variables to console

user stores the (TEXT|VALUE) from element 'container-key' in variable 'var_name' : Stores the value or text from an element into a custom variable

  • e.g: user stores the TEXT from element 'Menu-Home' in variable 'home_menu'


user fills 'container-key' with 'text' : Lets you to fill a field using the pattern container-key

  • e.g: user fills 'login-username' with 'mmendesas'

user fills 'container-key' by replacing text with 'text' : Lets you to fill a field using the pattern container-key, but before that, it cleans the field

  • e.g: user fills 'login-username' by replacing text with 'mmendesas'

user fills 'container-key' by JS with 'text' : Lets user to fill a field using the pattern container-key by JS interaction (html element value)

  • e.g: user fills 'login-username' by JS with 'mmendesas'

user clicks on 'container-key' : Lets user to clicks on an element using pattern container-key

  • e.g: user clicks on 'login-sigin'

user clicks by JS on 'container-key' : Lets you to clicks on an element using pattern container-key by JS interaction (

  • e.g: user clicks by JS on 'login-sigin'

user selects in combo 'container-key' the option 'option' : Lets you to select a value in combo element by the displayed text

  • e.g: user selects in combo 'custom-color' the option 'blue'

user (checks|unchecks) the 'container-key' : Lets you to check or uncheck a check-box

  • e.g: user checks the 'gender-female'

user (accept|dismiss) the popup : Let you to interact with popup.

  • e.g: user accept the popup


user navigates to 'url': Lets user navigates to a page

  • e.g: user navigates to ''

user open url 'url' with user 'text' and pass 'text': Lets user navigates to a page with basic authentication

  • e.g: user open url '' with user 'mmendesas' and pass '123456'

user refreshes the page: refreshes the current page

  • e.g: user refreshes the page

user does not sees the 'container-key' on the screen : Validate if element is not displayed in the screen

  • e.g: user does not sees the 'menu-logout' on the screen

user highlights the 'container-key' on the screen: Used for highlight element in page

  • e.g: user highlights the 'menu-home' on the screen

user scrolls to 'container-key': Lets user to scroll to a element in page

  • e.g: user scrolls to 'customer-btnSave'

user scrolls (right|left|up|down) '10' times' : Lets user to scroll in a specific direction for a specific times

  • e.g: user scrolls down '3' times


user sees the 'container-key' (enabled|disabled) : Lets user validate if element is enabled or disabled

  • e.g: user sees the 'customer-photo' enabled

user does not sees the 'container-key' on the screen : Lets user validate if element is not displayed on the current screen

  • e.g: user does not sees the 'customer-photo' on the screen

the 'container-key' has text (equals to|not equals to|which contains|which not contains) 'text' : Lets user to validate the text of an element in the screen

  • e.g: the 'customer-username' has text equals to 'Marcio Mendes'

the 'container-key' has value (equals to|not equals to|which contains|which not contains) 'text' : Lets user to validate the value of an element in the screen

  • e.g: the 'customer-gender' has value equals to 'male_gender'

the 'container-key' has text lenght (equals to|not equals to|greater than|greater than or equals to|less than|less than or equals to) '10' : Lets user to validate the text lenght of an element in the screen

  • e.g: the 'customer-username' has text lenght equals to '13'

the 'container-key' has value lenght (equals to|not equals to|greater than|greater than or equals to|less than|less than or equals to) '10' : Lets user to validate the value lenght of an element in the screen

  • e.g: the 'customer-username' has value lenght equals to '11'

the 'container-key' has attribute 'attribute' (equals to|not equals to|which contains|which not contains) 'text' : Lets user to validate the value of an attribute inside an element in the screen

  • e.g: the 'customer-username' has attribute 'class' equals to 'item-menu'

the 'text' has value (equals to|not equals to|which contains|which not contains) 'text' : Lets user to compare two simple texts or expressions

  • e.g: the '$.books[2]' has value equals to 'Hobbit'

API Steps


(api) user prints the current (REQUEST|RESPONSE) body content : Lets user to prints to console the value of request or response body.

  • e.g: (api) user prints the current REQUEST body content'

(api) user will send and accept (XML|JSON|HTML) : Lets user to define the default type of interaction setting headers Accept and Content-Type

  • e.g: (api) user will send and accept JSON'

Request Steps

(api) user set the baseURI with 'value' : Lets user to set the baseURI used by requests

  • e.g: (api) user set the baseURI with ''

(api) user creates a (POST|GET|PUT|PATCH|DELETE|HEAD) request to 'path' : Lets user to define the method of request

  • e.g: (api) user creates a GET request to '/ip'

(api) user sends the request : Lets user to send the defined request

  • e.g: (api) user sends the request

(api) user sets the following headers to request: : Lets user to add a list of headers to current request

  • e.g: (api) user sets the following headers to request:
    • | Content-Type | text/html |
    • | Connection | keep-alive |

(api) user add the request BODY from the resource 'filepath' : Lets user to load the body content from a resource file

  • e.g: (api) user add the request BODY from the resource '/path/to/my/file.json'

(api) user add the following value to BODY request: : Lets user to add body as string in current request

  • e.g: (api) user add the following value to BODY request:
    • """
    • { "username": "marcio mendes", age: "25" }
    • """

(api) user fills 'jsonpath' with 'value' : Lets user to fill some fields in current body content

  • e.g: (api) user fills '$..sku' with 'SKU1234QQD8'

(api) user fills 'jsonpath' with 'value' using (STRING|INT|DOUBLE|BOOL) type : Lets user to fill some fields in current body content with specific type

  • e.g: (api) user fills '$..userAge' with '25' using INT type

(api) user fills the request body with the following fields: : Lets user to fill a list of fields in current body content

  • e.g: (api) user fills the request body with the following fields:
    • | $..books[1] | The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy |
    • | $..books[2] | Hobbit |


(api) the response (status|statusText) should be 'text' : Lets user to validates the response status code.

  • e.g: (api) the response status should be '200'

(api) the (JSON|XML) response should be: : Lets user to validates the full content of a body response.

  • e.g: (api) the JSON response should be:
    • """
    • <note>
    •     <to>Tove</to>
    •     <from>Jani</from>
    •     <heading>Reminder</heading>
    •     <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    • </note>
    • """

(api) the JSON response key 'jsonpath' should have value (equals to|not equals to|which contains|which not contains|which starts with|which ends with) 'text' : Lets user to validates a value in a specific node in JSON response body.

  • e.g: (api) the JSON response key '$..books[2]' should have value equals to 'Hobbit'

(api) the XML response key 'xpath' should have value (equals to|not equals to|which contains|which not contains|which starts with|which ends with) 'text' : Lets user to validates a value in a specific node in XML response body.

  • e.g: (api) the XML response key '//books[2]' should have value equals to 'Hobbit'

(api) user stores the value 'jsonpath' from response in variable 'var_name' : Lets user to stores the value from a specific node in a variable.

  • e.g: (api) user stores the value '$..books[2]' from response in variable 'var_name'



(soap) user set the WSDL Path with value 'url' : Lets user set the wsdl path.

  • e.g: (soap) user set the WSDL Path with value ''

(soap) user prints the current (REQUEST|RESPONSE) body content : Lets user to print the current body content.

  • e.g: (soap) user prints the current RESPONSE body content

(soap) user add the JSON body from the resource 'filepath' : Lets user to load the body content from a resource file.

  • e.g: (soap) user add the JSON body from the resource '/path/to/my/file'

(soap) user executes the SOAP Request with opreration 'operation_name' : Lets user to execute a specific operation in current service.

  • e.g: (soap) user executes the SOAP Request with operation 'CalcPrecoPrazo'

(soap) the JSON (jsonpath) key 'jsonpath' has value (equals to|not equals to|which contains|which not contains|which starts with|which ends with) 'text' : Lets user to validates a value in a specific node in JSON response body.

  • e.g: (soap) the JSON (jsonpath) key '$.bookd[2]' has value equals 'Hobbit'

(soap) user fills the (jsonpath) key 'jsonpath' with value 'text' : Lets user to update a specfic node in request body.

  • e.g: (soap) user fills the (jsonpath) key '$.bookd[2]' with value 'Hobbit'

(soap) user prints the list of methods in current endpoint : Lets user to see all avaiable methods inside current endpoint

  • e.g: (soap) user prints the list of methods in current endpoint

(soap) user exports the (INPUT|OUTPUT) template of method 'method_name' to file 'filepath' : Lets user to export the template of method in a specific file

  • e.g: (soap) user exports the INPUT template of method 'Add'

(soap) user exports all templates from current endpoint to folder 'folderpath' : Lets user to export all templates from current endpoint to a folder

  • e.g: (soap) user exports all templates from current endpoint to folder '/path/to/folder'
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