The wonderfully generic (hopefully)crowd-sourced neural network (The crowd-sourced net has arisen in the form of p2p and is currently working on my lab!) This is mostly a learning experience for me, many many more efficient alternatives exist out there Tensorflow actually provides a really nice neural network representation here
If you want to experiment around, simply open up a python interpretive shell inside the src
import net
network = net.Net(learning_rate, num_input, [hidden neurons], num_output)
network.train([inputs], [outputs]) # must know number of input and output neurons in code
# or
network.mass_train([[inputs], [outputs]], iterations)
# or
network.function_train(func, iterations)
The network is dumb as rocks but it can work logic gates(100%) & 4 bit division(93%) pretty well!
pip3 install virtualenv
Installation is not particularly hard, due to the small nature of this project
To get a working development environment setup, simply git clone this repository into a directory of each choice
git clone
next navigate to specified directory
cd CrowdNet
You should see the contents of the repository's filesystem
Then run virtualenv to initialize a virtual environment in the folder venv
virtualenv venv
And turn on the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
Finally, install the required modules
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To get out of a virtualenv:
To run the automated test, navigate to the test directory: cd test
and run the file
Learning takes a bit of time(obviously) Bigger neural networks take insane amounts of ram
Due to physical limitations of a single computer, I have developed a peer to peer cluster network that allows the neural network to distribute the processing power equally amongst all peers.
To initialize this, see documentation on the module.
- vim
- lots of googling
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Marco Sirabella - Initial work - mjsir911
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Tensorflow for inspiration
- Mat Mazur for help understanding