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Prove top-level paxos spec
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Remove internal log

Add constraints on the external state (i.e., log and cpool)

Adapt invariance w.r.t. ascend, commit, and extend to added constraints
  • Loading branch information
yunshengtw committed Oct 3, 2024
1 parent d45fb51 commit 2ad94af
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Showing 9 changed files with 521 additions and 111 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions external/Goose/github_com/mit_pdos/tulip/paxos.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,10 +30,14 @@ Definition Paxos := struct.decl [

Definition MAX_NODES : expr := #16.

Definition Paxos__leading: val :=
rec: "Paxos__leading" "px" :=
struct.loadF Paxos "isleader" "px".

Definition Paxos__Submit: val :=
rec: "Paxos__Submit" "px" "v" :=
Mutex__Lock (struct.loadF Paxos "mu" "px");;
(if: (~ (struct.loadF Paxos "isleader" "px"))
(if: (~ (Paxos__leading "px"))
Mutex__Unlock (struct.loadF Paxos "mu" "px");;
(#0, #0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,10 +248,6 @@ Definition Paxos__nominated: val :=
rec: "Paxos__nominated" "px" :=
struct.loadF Paxos "iscand" "px".

Definition Paxos__leading: val :=
rec: "Paxos__leading" "px" :=
struct.loadF Paxos "isleader" "px".

Definition Paxos__heartbeat: val :=
rec: "Paxos__heartbeat" "px" :=
struct.storeF Paxos "hb" "px" #true;;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/program_proof/rsm/mpaxos_proof.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Section prog.
Theorem wp_MkPaxos :
{{{ True }}}
MkPaxos #()
{{{ (γ : mpaxos_names) (px : loc), RET #px; paxos_init px γ }}}.
{{{ (γ : mpaxos_names) (px : loc), RET #px; paxos_init px γ }}}.
(*@ func MkPaxos() *Paxos { @*)
(*@ var px *Paxos @*)
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/program_proof/tulip/paxos/base.v
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Expand Up @@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ Section def.

Lemma latest_before_quorum_step_O_or_exists (ts : gmap A nat) :
map_fold latest_term_before_quorum_step O ts = O ∨
∃ x, ts !! x = Some (map_fold latest_term_before_quorum_step O ts).
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/program_proof/tulip/paxos/inv.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -468,20 +468,22 @@ Section inv.
"%Hlatest" ∷ ⌜latest_term_nodedec ds = terml⌝ ∗
"%Hacpt" ∷ ⌜ds !! terml = Some (Accept v)⌝.

Definition proposed_cmds γ v : iProp Σ := [∗ list] c ∈ v, is_cmd_receipt γ c.

Definition paxos_inv γ nids : iProp Σ :=
∃ log cpool logi ps psb termlm,
∃ log cpool ps psb termlm,
(* external states *)
"Hlog" ∷ own_log_half γ log ∗
"Hcpool" ∷ own_cpool_half γ cpool ∗
(* internal states *)
"Hlogi" ∷ own_internal_log γ logi ∗
"Hps" ∷ own_proposals γ ps ∗
"Hpsb" ∷ own_base_proposals γ psb ∗
(* node states *)
"Hnodes" ∷ ([∗ map] nid ↦ terml ∈ termlm, node_inv γ nid terml) ∗
(* TODO: constraints between internal and external states *)
(* constraints between internal and external states *)
"#Hsafelog" ∷ safe_ledger γ nids log ∗
"#Hsubsume" ∷ ([∗ map] t ↦ v ∈ ps, proposed_cmds γ v) ∗
(* constraints on internal states *)
"#Hsafelogi" ∷ safe_ledger γ nids logi ∗
"#Hsafepsb" ∷ ([∗ map] t ↦ v ∈ psb, safe_base_proposal γ nids t v) ∗
"%Hvp" ∷ ⌜valid_proposals ps psb⌝ ∗
"%Hdomtermlm" ∷ ⌜dom termlm = nids⌝ ∗
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79 changes: 51 additions & 28 deletions src/program_proof/tulip/paxos/invariance/ascend.v
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Expand Up @@ -43,43 +43,43 @@ Section ascend.
by iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hpsaubs") as "?"; first apply Hfixed.

Lemma paxos_inv_ascend γ nids nid termc terml logn logn' :
Lemma paxos_inv_ascend γ nids nid termc terml v v' :
nid ∈ nids ->
is_term_of_node nid termc ->
(terml < termc)%nat ->
safe_base_proposal_by_length γ nids termc logn' -∗
safe_base_proposal_by_length γ nids termc v' -∗
own_current_term_half γ nid termc -∗
own_ledger_term_half γ nid terml -∗
own_node_ledger_half γ nid logn -∗
own_node_ledger_half γ nid v -∗
paxos_inv γ nids ==∗
own_current_term_half γ nid termc ∗
own_ledger_term_half γ nid termc ∗
own_node_ledger_half γ nid logn' ∗
own_node_ledger_half γ nid v' ∗
paxos_inv γ nids ∗
own_proposal γ termc logn' ∗
is_base_proposal_receipt γ termc logn' ∗
is_accepted_proposal_lb γ nid termc logn'.
own_proposal γ termc v' ∗
is_base_proposal_receipt γ termc v' ∗
is_accepted_proposal_lb γ nid termc v'.
iIntros (Hnid Hton Hlt) "#Hsafelen Htermc Hterml Hlogn Hinv".
iIntros (Hnid Hton Hlt) "#Hsafelen Htermc Hterml Hv Hinv".
iNamed "Hinv".
iAssert (safe_base_proposal γ nids termc logn')%nat as "#Hsafe".
iAssert (safe_base_proposal γ nids termc v')%nat as "#Hsafe".
{ iNamed "Hsafelen". iNamed "Hvotes".
rewrite Hdomdss in Hquorum.
iFrame "Hdss %".
(* Obtain two nodes [nidx], the node known to have the longest ledger, and
[nidy], the node to be proved to have the longest ledger. *)
destruct Hvlatest as (nidx & dsx & Hdsx & Hlognx).
destruct Hvlatest as (nidx & dsx & Hdsx & Hvx).
pose proof (longest_proposal_in_term_with_spec (mbind nodedec_to_ledger) dss p) as Hspec.
destruct (longest_proposal_in_term_with _ _ _) as [logny |] eqn:Hlongest; last first.
destruct (longest_proposal_in_term_with _ _ _) as [vy |] eqn:Hlongest; last first.
{ exfalso.
specialize (Hspec _ _ Hdsx).
by rewrite Hlognx in Hspec.
by rewrite Hvx in Hspec.
destruct Hspec as [(nidy & dsy & Hdsy & Hlogny) Hge].
rewrite bind_Some in Hlogny.
destruct Hlogny as (d & Hlogny & Hd).
destruct Hspec as [(nidy & dsy & Hdsy & Hvy) Hge].
rewrite bind_Some in Hvy.
destruct Hvy as (d & Hvy & Hd).
apply nodedec_to_ledger_Some_inv in Hd. subst d.
iAssert (prefix_growing_ledger γ p logn')%I as "#Hpfgx".
iAssert (prefix_growing_ledger γ p v')%I as "#Hpfgx".
{ iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hdss") as "#Hdsx"; first apply Hdsx.
assert (is_Some (termlm !! nidx)) as [terml' Hterml'].
{ rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdomtermlm.
Expand All @@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ Section ascend.
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hnodes") as "Hnode"; first apply Hterml'.
iDestruct (node_inv_extract_ds_psa with "Hnode") as (dss' bs') "[_ Hnode]".
iApply (node_inv_past_nodedecs_impl_prefix_growing_ledger with "Hdsx Hnode").
apply Hlognx.
apply Hvx.
iAssert (prefix_growing_ledger γ p logny)%I as "#Hpfgy".
iAssert (prefix_growing_ledger γ p vy)%I as "#Hpfgy".
{ iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hdss") as "#Hdsy"; first apply Hdsy.
assert (is_Some (termlm !! nidy)) as [termly Htermly].
{ rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdomtermlm.
Expand All @@ -103,24 +103,46 @@ Section ascend.
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hnodes") as "Hnode"; first apply Htermly.
iDestruct (node_inv_extract_ds_psa with "Hnode") as (dssy bsy) "[_ Hnode]".
iApply (node_inv_past_nodedecs_impl_prefix_growing_ledger with "Hdsy Hnode").
apply Hlogny.
apply Hvy.
iDestruct (prefix_growing_ledger_impl_prefix with "Hpfgx Hpfgy") as %Hprefix.
rewrite /equal_latest_longest_proposal_nodedec /equal_latest_longest_proposal_with.
case_decide as Htermc; first lia.
rewrite -latest_term_before_quorum_nodedec_unfold Hlatestq.
pose proof (length_of_longest_ledger_in_term_spec _ _ _ _ _ Hdsy Hlogny) as Hle.
pose proof (length_of_longest_ledger_in_term_spec _ _ _ _ _ Hdsy Hvy) as Hle.
rewrite Hlongestq in Hle.
specialize (Hge _ _ Hdsx).
rewrite Hlognx /= in Hge.
assert (Heqlen : length logny = length logn') by lia.
replace logn' with logny; first done.
rewrite Hvx /= in Hge.
assert (Heqlen : length vy = length v') by lia.
replace v' with vy; first done.
by destruct Hprefix as [Hprefix | Hprefix]; rewrite (prefix_length_eq _ _ Hprefix).
pose proof Hnid as Hterml.
rewrite -Hdomtermlm elem_of_dom in Hterml.
destruct Hterml as [terml' Hterml].
(* Obtain [proposed_cmds γ v']. *)
iAssert (proposed_cmds γ v')%I as "#Hsubsume'".
{ iNamed "Hsafelen". iNamed "Hvotes".
destruct Hvlatest as (nidx & dslb & Hdslb & Hv').
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hdss") as "Hdslb"; first apply Hdslb.
assert (is_Some (termlm !! nidx)) as [termlx Htermlx].
{ destruct Hquorum as [Hquorum _].
apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hdslb.
rewrite -elem_of_dom Hdomtermlm.
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hnodes") as "Hnode"; first apply Htermlx.
iDestruct (node_inv_extract_ds_psa with "Hnode") as (ds psa) "[_ Hdp]".
iDestruct (node_inv_past_nodedecs_impl_prefix_growing_ledger with "Hdslb Hdp") as "#Hpfg".
{ apply Hv'. }
iDestruct "Hpfg" as (vub1) "[Hlb %Hprefix1]".
iDestruct (proposals_prefix with "Hlb Hps") as %(vub2 & Hvub2 & Hprefix2).
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hsubsume") as "Hsubsume'"; first apply Hvub2.
assert (prefix v' vub2) as [vapp ->]; first by trans vub1.
rewrite /proposed_cmds.
by iDestruct (big_sepL_app with "Hsubsume'") as "[? _]".
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ nid with "Hnodes") as "[Hnode Hnodes]".
{ apply Hterml. }
iDestruct (own_ledger_term_node_inv_terml_eq with "Hterml Hnode") as %->.
Expand All @@ -130,23 +152,24 @@ Section ascend.
destruct Hdompsb as [_ Hfree].
by specialize (Hfree _ _ Hterml _ Hton Hlt).
(* Insert [(termc, logn')] into the growing proposals and the base proposals. *)
iMod (proposal_insert termc logn' with "Hps") as "[Hps Hp]".
(* Insert [(termc, v')] into the growing proposals and the base proposals. *)
iMod (proposal_insert termc v' with "Hps") as "[Hps Hp]".
{ apply map_Forall2_dom_L in Hvp as Hdomps. by rewrite Hdomps not_elem_of_dom in Hnotin. }
iMod (base_proposal_insert termc logn' with "Hpsb") as "[Hpsb #Hpsbrcp]".
iMod (base_proposal_insert termc v' with "Hpsb") as "[Hpsb #Hpsbrcp]".
{ by rewrite not_elem_of_dom in Hnotin. }
(* Extract witness of the inserted proposal to re-establish the node invariant. *)
iDestruct (proposal_witness with "Hp") as "#Hplb".
(* Re-establish node invariant. *)
iMod (node_inv_advance logn' with "[] [] Htermc Hterml Hlogn Hnode")
as "(Htermc & Hterml & Hlogn & Hnode & #Hacptlb)".
iMod (node_inv_advance v' with "[] [] Htermc Hterml Hv Hnode")
as "(Htermc & Hterml & Hv & Hnode & #Hacptlb)".
{ apply Hlt. }
{ by iFrame "Hpsbrcp". }
{ by iFrame "Hplb". }
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert_2 with "Hnode Hnodes") as "Hnodes".
rewrite insert_delete_insert.
iFrame "∗ # %".
iSplit; first by iApply big_sepM_insert_2.
{ (* Re-establish [safe_base_proposal]. *)
iApply (big_sepM_insert_2 with "Hsafe Hsafepsb").
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71 changes: 54 additions & 17 deletions src/program_proof/tulip/paxos/invariance/commit.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,14 +14,16 @@ Section commit.
by iApply (nodes_inv_safe_ledger_in_impl_chosen_in with "Hsafe Hinv").

Lemma paxos_inv_commit γ nids logi' :
safe_ledger γ nids logi' -∗
paxos_inv γ nids ==
paxos_inv γ nids ∗
is_internal_log_lb γ logi'.
Lemma safe_ledger_log_impl_prefix γ nids v v' :
safe_ledger γ nids v' -∗
own_log_half γ v -
paxos_inv γ nids -
⌜prefix v v' ∨ prefix v' v⌝.
iIntros "#Hsafe Hinv".
iIntros "#Hsafe Hloguser Hinv".
iNamed "Hinv".
(* Agreement on the log content. *)
iDestruct (log_agree with "Hloguser Hlog") as %->.
(* Extract past decisions and accepted proposals from the node invariant. *)
iDestruct (nodes_inv_extract_ds_psa with "Hnodes") as (dss bs) "[Hnodes Hpds]".
iDestruct (big_sepM2_dom with "Hpds") as %Hdompds.
Expand All @@ -40,24 +42,59 @@ Section commit.
(* Finally, derive [consistency bs]. *)
pose proof (vlb_vub_vbp_vp_impl_consistency _ _ _ Hvlb Hvub Hvbp Hvp) as Hcst.
(* Now, derive [chosen bs logi] and [chosen bs logi']. *)
iDestruct (nodes_inv_safe_ledger_impl_chosen _ _ bs with "Hsafelogi [Hpds]") as %Hchosen.
iDestruct (nodes_inv_safe_ledger_impl_chosen _ _ bs with "Hsafelog [Hpds]") as %Hchosen.
{ apply Hdombs. }
{ by iApply nodes_inv_ds_psa_impl_nodes_inv_psa. }
iDestruct (nodes_inv_safe_ledger_impl_chosen _ _ bs with "Hsafe [Hpds]") as %Hchosen'.
{ apply Hdombs. }
{ by iApply nodes_inv_ds_psa_impl_nodes_inv_psa. }
(* Derive [prefix logi logi' ∨ prefix logi' logi]. *)
specialize (Hcst _ _ Hchosen Hchosen').
(* Merge [node_inv_ds_psa] back. *)
iDestruct (nodes_inv_merge_ds_psa with "Hnodes Hpds") as "Hnodes".
destruct Hcst as [Hge | Hle]; last first.
{ (* Case: The old log is at least as long as the new log. Simply extract a witness. *)
iDestruct (internal_log_witness logi' with "Hlogi") as "#Hlb"; first apply Hle.
by iFrame "∗ # %".
by specialize (Hcst _ _ Hchosen Hchosen').

Lemma paxos_inv_commit {γ nids nid vcli vnode} vsafe :
nid ∈ nids ->
prefix vsafe vnode ->
safe_ledger γ nids vsafe -∗
own_log_half γ vcli -∗
own_node_ledger_half γ nid vnode -∗
paxos_inv γ nids ==∗
(∃ vcli', own_log_half γ vcli' ∧ ⌜prefix vsafe vcli'⌝) ∗
own_node_ledger_half γ nid vnode ∗
paxos_inv γ nids.
iIntros (Hnid Hprefix) "#Hsafe Hlogcli HlognX Hinv".
iDestruct (safe_ledger_log_impl_prefix with "Hsafe Hlogcli Hinv") as %Horprefix.
destruct Horprefix as [Hext | Hnoext]; last first.
{ (* Case: The global log is longer than the committed log on [nid]. No update required. *)
by iFrame.
(* Case: The global log is shorted. Extend it to [vsafe]. *)
iNamed "Hinv".
iDestruct (log_agree with "Hlogcli Hlog") as %->.
iAssert (⌜cpool_subsume_log vsafe cpool⌝)%I as %Hsubsume.
{ rewrite -Hdomtermlm elem_of_dom in Hnid.
destruct Hnid as [terml Hterml].
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hnodes") as "Hnode"; first apply Hterml.
iNamed "Hnode".
iDestruct (node_ledger_agree with "HlognX Hlogn") as %->.
iDestruct (accepted_proposal_lookup with "Hacpt Hpsa") as %Hvnode.
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hpsaubs") as (vub1) "[#Hvub1 %Hprefix1]"; first apply Hvnode.
iDestruct (proposals_prefix with "Hvub1 Hps") as (vub2) "[%Hvub2 %Hprefix2]".
assert (Hvsafe : prefix vsafe vub2).
{ trans vnode; first apply Hprefix.
trans vub1; [apply Hprefix1 | apply Hprefix2].
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hsubsume") as "Hpcmds"; first apply Hvub2.
rewrite /cpool_subsume_log Forall_forall.
iIntros (c Hc).
pose proof (elem_of_prefix _ _ _ Hc Hvsafe) as Hc'.
iDestruct (big_sepL_elem_of with "Hpcmds") as "Hc"; first apply Hc'.
iApply (cpool_lookup with "Hc Hcpool").
(* Case: The new log is at least as long as the old log. Update the log. *)
iMod (internal_log_update with "Hlogi") as "Hlogi"; first apply Hge.
iDestruct (internal_log_witness logi' with "Hlogi") as "#Hlb"; first done.
iMod (log_update with "Hlogcli Hlog Hcpool") as "(Hlogcli & Hlog & Hcpool)".
{ apply Hsubsume. }
{ apply Hext. }
by iFrame "∗ # %".

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