I created this project while learning React Native.
- This project contains the front-end code in React Native.
- The back-end for this project is built in Django.
- Earlier I built the React.js webapp using the same Django back-end.
- You can see the code for React.js and Django REST apis here : code
- The React.js webapp live demo site
This sample application contains limited features and therefore can be updated to include new ones.
- It is basically like a mini-feeds app like LinkedIn or Facebook where user can create post and other users can see, comment.
- User can create post including text and file of any type.
- On Feed page user can see posts of all other users with details like created by, created on, post, comments.
- If file in post is video/image it will be displayed along with the post. For other types, just the url link will be displayed for downloading it.
- User can filter the post using two filters : keyword in post or created_by user id
- User can comment on other posts.
- Login/Logout feature with API token stored using rn-secure-storage library.
- React Native - React framework for making native mobile applications
- axios - Promise-based JavaScript library for calling API endpoints
- react-navigation - NPM package for routing in React Native
- react-native-dialog - NPM package for creating dialogs in React Native
- react-native-document-picker - NPM package for file selection
- react-native-webview - NPM package for webview in React Native
- redux - Redux for managing state in app
- react-redux - React library for Redux
- redux-saga - Using Saga for async operations in Redux
- rn-secure-storage - Secure storage for React Native
- Sublime Text Editor - for writing code
- Git - for version control