Geolocation models, data and tools using GeoDjango
The following were used for development/testing:
- Django 1.3
- PostgreSQL 9.1
- PostGIS 1.5.2
- SQLite 3.7.9
- libspatialite3
- django-photologue 2.7 (fork maintained by Praekelt at
- django-category 0.1 (at
- django-tastypie 0.9.11
- libgeoip1 1.4.8
You might need to apply a PostGIS patch to Django that can be found here: If you get a database encoding error when loading initial data, your version of Django has not been patched. You can also use SQLite and MySQL with django-atlas, although MySQL is very lacking in terms of GIS.
Add the following to your INSTALLED_APPS:
- django.contrib.gis
- django.contrib.admin
- atlas
- photologue
- category
- tastypie
GeoDjango has some additional installation requirements. They can be found here: Follow those instructions and create a spatial database. Then add it to the DATABASES dictionary in your settings as the default database.
DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis', 'NAME': 'demo_geo', 'USER': 'demo', 'PASSWORD': 'demo', 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': '', } }
Atlas uses MaxMind's IP geolocation library and datasets. The following settings need to be included for this to work:
GEOIP_PATH = '.../django-atlas/atlas/datasets/MaxMind/' GEOIP_CITY = 'GeoLiteCity.dat' GEOIP_COUNTRY = 'GeoIPv6.dat'
You can also add a Google Maps API key setting (see below). This will enable the LonLatWidget to use Google Maps for selecting coordinates.
DJANGO_ATLAS = { 'google_maps_api_key': 'XXX...', }
The geo data required by django-atlas can be downloaded at for PostgreSQL or for MySQL. Extract data.sql and load the data using psql -U user -W -d demo_geo < data.sql
for PostgreSQL, or mysql -u user -p -D demo_geo < data.sql
for MySQL.
MaxMind's IP geolocation datasets are available at MaxMind updates these datasets on a regular basis.