simple js Behaviour tree implementation takes dictonary as input where
Example tree
let simpleTree = {
$des:"a simple tree", // descryption of this level
$seq:[ // a seqence
"action1", // names action in $act section
"test.action1", // can be nested
$SUCCESS, // can be a state
(action,mem) => $SUCCESS, // can be a function
$act:{ // place to define action for tree
action1:function(actor, memory) {
return $SUCCESS;
test: {
action1:(actor,mem) => $FAILURE,
let act = {};
let mem = {};
// evaulate tree until finish or $RUNNING State is returnd
= success node$FAILURE
= failure node$RUNNING
= running node
: sequence takes array of childs as input
var tree = {
} // will eval to $RUNNING (sequnce is running until faiure or running
: selector takss array as input
var tree = {
} // will eval to $SUCCESS as selector chose first not failing path
: a row node
var tree = {
$des:"a succesful node",
} // will eval to $SUCCESS
: when if node eval to$SUCCESS
the $then node is evaulate otherwise if $else node is pressent eval it
var tree = {
$des = "a if - then - else ",
} // will eval to $RUNNING
var tree = {
} // will evel to $FAILURE
- Actions takes actor and memort as input and return state:
- Named: actions can be named by palcing them in a
section of tree:
let tree = {
action:function(actor, memory) {return $SUCCESS},
} // will eval to SUCCESS.
- nested
let tree = {
$act: {
a: {
action: () => $SUCCESS;
} // eval to $SUCCESS
- anoumynous/inline
let tree = {
} // eval to $SUCCESS