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Releases: microsoft/PlanetaryComputer

January 2023

26 Jan 16:28
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This is the changelog for the Planetary Computer January 2023 release. See previous changelogs for notes about previous releases.

This release brings a new datasets and features, including:

Vector Rendering

The Planetary Computer Data Catalog contains assets in a variety of common
geospatial formats, but until now the Explorer has only supported visualizing
raster data. With this release, we're introducing support for vector rendering
for collections with GeoParquet data assets. We're showcasing this feature with
the MS Buildings
dataset, which contains over 1 billion building footprints across the world.

For this, and future, GeoParquet vector datasets you'll find a new
collection-level asset
with a role of tilejson that contains a TileJSON endpoint that can be used to render the data as Mapbox Vector Tiles.

Use the Explorer
to quickly visualize the geographic coverage of the dataset:

Or overlay it with other layers to see how it fits into the broader context of the world. For example, to see villages in southern Nigeria that have very low nighttime light intensity:

New datasets

This release includes several new datasets:

ESA Climate Change Initiative Land Cover

The ESA Climate Change Initiative Land Cover datasets consistent global annual land cover maps at 300m spatial resolution from 1992 to 2020. There are collections containing Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs and NetCDF files.

This is a timelapse from 1992-2020 over the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil and Bolivia:

Timelapse ESA CCI LC 1992-2020 over Brazil

NOAA Climate Normals

The NOAA US Climate Normals datasets provide information about typical climate conditions for thousands of weather station locations across the United States.

The individual weather station data is contained in the noaa-climate-normals-tabular colleciton, which contains tabular data in GeoParquet format.

Additionally, there is gridded data provided in the collections noaa-climate-normals-gridded, which contains Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs, and noaa-climate-normals-netcdf which contains NetCDF files.

Note that this dataset resides in the East US Azure region.

Cropland Data Layer

The USDA Cropland Data Layer is a crop-specific land cover classification product of more than 100 crop categories grown in the United States.

USGS Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection

The USGS Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) datasets provide land cover mapping and change monitoring from the U.S.

There are two datasets; one containing "Collection 1.3" data for the Conterminous United States (usgs-lcmap-conus-v13) and another containing "Collection 1.0" data for Hawaii (usgs-lcmap-hawaii-v10)

This is a timelapse from 1985-2021 over California's Plumas National Forest:

Timelapse ESA CCI LC 1992-2020 over Brazil

National Wetlands Inventory

The FWS National Wetlands Inventory collection contains more than 35 million wetland and deepwater features. This dataset covers the conterminous United States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the major Northern Mariana Islands and Alaska.

Dataset updates

NOAA GOES updates

Other dataset updates

  • TerraClimate was updated to include the latest data from the producer, the Climatology Lab. The dataset now covers 1958 - 2021. Note that some variables, such as the station influence variables, are no longer provided. The Zarr store linked from the STAC collection is at a new URL. The data at the old URL will be deleted sometime in the future. In addition, the STAC metadata now includes the latest updates from the xarray-assets STAC extension.
  • The NOAA National Water Model data products, which are hosted but not yet fully integrated into the API, are now documented in the data catalog.
  • Using new functionality in stactools, the footprints in the ASTER collection have been update to better match the actual image data, rather than the full raster extent.
  • Collections now have an msft:region property, which indicates the Azure Region in which the data is hosted.
  • The Microsoft Building Footprints dataset can now be visualized in the Explorer, using the vector rendering feature described above.

Documentation Improvements

Updates to our Terms of Use

Our Terms of Use has been updated to clarify terms about the data access tokens issued by the Planetary Computer for data access. No change in behavior or permissions has occurred. Please read the Terms of Use to get more infor...

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October 2022

28 Oct 16:24
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We're pleased to announce our June 2022 release! This release includes improvements to the data catalog and Explorer user interface, support for bulk queries with GeoParquet, and several new datasets. Feel free to post comments and questions in the thread below.

This release brings a number of new features to the Explorer app, including:

This release also includes several new datasets:

New datasets

This release includes several new datasets:

GOES-R Lightning Detection

GOES-R Lightning Detection:
Continuous lightning detection over the Western Hemisphere from the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) instrument.

GOES-R lightning image



NOAA Monthly NClimGrid

NOAA Monthly NClimGrid: Monthly Climate Gridded dataset with data on temperature and precipitation.

Timelapse avg temp nclimgrid

Denver Regional Council of Governments Land Use Land Cover

Denver Regional Council of Governments Land Use Land Cover: 1-ft resolution land use / land cover dataset around Denver, Colorado.

DR COG image

Chesapeake Land Cover/Land Use

Chesapeake Land Cover (7-class): 1-meter land cover data product for the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed with a uniform set of 7 land cover classes.

Chesapeake Land Cover (13-class): 1-meter land cover data product for the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed with 13 varying land cover classes.

Chesapeake Land Use: 1-meter land use data product for the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed.

June 2022

05 Jul 18:20
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We're pleased to announce our June 2022 release! This release includes improvements to the data catalog and Explorer user interface, support for bulk queries with GeoParquet, and several new datasets. Feel free to post comments and questions in the thread below.


  • The Catalog and Explorer interfaces have been redesigned to accommodate the increased number of datasets available in the Planetary Computer.
  • The entire website, including the Explorer, Catalog, and Documentation pages, have all been updated to work well on most mobile devices.
  • We now provide snapshots of our STAC items for most of our collections as GeoParquet datasets to support bulk STAC queries.

Bulk STAC queries with GeoParquet

Many of our collections now include a geoparquet-items collection-level asset that links to a GeoParquet dataset in Azure Blob Storage. Each row in these Parquet datasets is a STAC item. While most users should continue to use the normal STAC API, these Parquet datasets are a nice complement for workloads that need to return very many STAC items.

See Bulk STAC item queries with GeoParquet for more. Discuss this on the GeoParquet board.

New datasets

This release includes several new datasets in our STAC API. Each of these links to the dataset details page, which includes an example notebook.

Discuss this in the release thread.

May 2022

20 May 21:02
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We're pleased to announce our May 2022 release! This release includes several performance improvements, API enhancements, and many new datasets.


  • Improved performance and scalability of our STAC API. Requests to our STAC API, including searches, will return faster and scale to larger concurrent loads. See the pgstac 0.5 and 0.6 release notes for more.
  • The Explorer now includes the ability to pin layers, allowing you to compare multiple queries. See working with multiple layers for more.
  • Many new datasets are available through our catalog. See the datasets section below for more.

New datasets

This release includes many new datasets. Each of these links to the dataset details page, which includes an example notebook.

API updates


  • Updated the STAC API to v1.0.0-rc.1
  • Initial support for queryables in the STAC API. See Sentinel-2-l2a for an example. Additional queryables and more metadata description in coming releases.
  • Scalability and performance improvements.

Data API

  • Upgrades to pgstac-titiler 0.1.0a7
  • Scalability and performance improvements.

Documentation and Tutorials

In addition to the dataset examples, we have several new tutorials going in-depth on a specific topic.


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