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Merge pull request #255 from mmwinther/patch-1 #206

Merge pull request #255 from mmwinther/patch-1

Merge pull request #255 from mmwinther/patch-1 #206

# This GitHub Action builds and serves a Hugo website, checking for build errors on each push to the master branch.
# The build status is checked, and if the build fails, the commit is blocked.
name: Hugo Build and Status Check
# Trigger the workflow on push events to the main branch
- master
# Use the latest version of Ubuntu as the runner
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps to be executed as part of the job
# Step to checkout the repository
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Step to set up Hugo
- name: Setup Hugo
uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v3
# Always use the latest version of Hugo, in case of issue with the latest version,
# you can specify a specific version using '0.125.5'
hugo-version: 'latest'
# Set the extended option to true to install the extended version of Hugo, mandatory for Microcks website
extended: true
# Step to build the site
- name: Build site
run: hugo --minify
# Capture output and error code
continue-on-error: true
id: build
# Step to start Hugo server in the background
- name: Start Hugo server
run: hugo server --minify --port=8888 &
# Check if build failed
- name: Check build status
run: |
if [ ${{ }} != 'success' ]; then
echo "::error::Hugo build failed, blocking commit..."
exit 1
# Stop the Hugo server at the end of the workflow as is running in the background
- name: Stop Hugo server
run: kill $(lsof -t -i:8888) || true