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External Link Check #56

External Link Check

External Link Check #56

# This link checks Microcks website links in Markdown HTML files once per day
# from:
# link checker used is 'lychee':
name: External Link Check
# This event will only trigger a workflow run if the workflow file is on the default branch.
# ucomment the following line if you want to run the workflow manually
# workflow_dispatch:
# Run once a week on Sunday at 00h42 UTC (0:42 AM UTC aka 1:42 AM CEST with daylight saving time)
- cron: "42 0 * * 0"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Setup local cache in order to mitigate issues regarding rate limiting or to reduce stress on external resources
# Restore the lychee cache if it exists for the current commit
- name: Restore lychee cache
id: restore-cache
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
path: .lycheecache
key: cache-lychee-${{ github.sha }}
restore-keys: cache-lychee-
# We do not need to build the site, so we can remove the Hugo build steps, thanks to the hugo check validation on push
# However, retaining this comment for documentation purposes, just in case ;)
# Link Checker run with lychee action
- name: Link Checker
id: lychee
uses: lycheeverse/lychee-action@v1
# Check all markdown and html files in repo
# Exclude all files except those starting with http:// or https:// thanks to the --scheme option
# Use cache but cache the results for 8 hours
args: --base public --verbose --no-progress './**/*.md' './**/*.html' --scheme https --scheme http --cache --max-cache-age 8h
# Use markdown as output format
format: markdown
# Use different output file path
output: ./link-checker/
# Use a custom GitHub token to "avoid" rate limiting
token: ${{ secrets.CUSTOM_TOKEN }}
# Don't fail action on broken links
fail: false
# Format the date for the issue title and store it in an environment variable
- name: Format Date
id: format_date
run: echo "DATE=$(date +'%A, %e. %b %Y')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Create an issue if there are broken links
- name: Create Issue From File
if: env.lychee_exit_code != 0
id: create_issue
uses: peter-evans/create-issue-from-file@v5
title: "External Link Check Report - ${{ env.DATE }}"
content-filepath: ./link-checker/
labels: report, automated issue, contribution message, help wanted
# Store the issue number in an environment variable
- name: Store Issue Number
if: steps.create_issue.outputs.issue-number
run: echo "ISSUE_NUMBER=${{ steps.create_issue.outputs.issue-number }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Add a comment to the issue with the contribution message
- name: Add contribution message as new comment
if: ${{ env.ISSUE_NUMBER }} is not null
run: gh issue comment "$NUMBER" --body-file "$BODY"
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
GH_REPO: ${{ github.repository }}
BODY: "./.github/"
# Save the lychee cache for the next run
- name: Save lychee cache
uses: actions/cache/save@v4
if: always()
path: .lycheecache
key: ${{ steps.restore-cache.outputs.cache-primary-key }}