geventdaemon is a wrapper around python-daemon to help daemonizing gevent based processes.
It delegates the signal handling to gevent instead of using python's and reinit the event loop after forks.
, None by default, it can be a dict or
something that evaluate to True.
If it is True, it patches all. (see gevent.monkey.patch_all()
If it is a dict, it pass the dict as keywords arguments to patch_all().
, False by default. It patches the
gevent.Greenlet._report_error method to log the error using the root logger
of python logging.
receives a dict of signals, but handler is either a
callable, a list of arguments [callable, arg1, arg2] or
a string.
callable without arguments will receive (signal, None) as arguments,
meaning the frame
parameter is always None.
from geventdaemon import GeventDaemonContext
def work()
def stop(signal, frame):
# frame is always None, it is there for compatibility with python-daemon
raise SystemExit('terminated by signal %d' % int(signal))
context = GeventDaemonContext(monkey={'httplib': True},
signal_map={signal.SIGTERM: stop,
signal.SIGINT: stop})
with context:
# do some gevent work after fork.