You should use the basic programming concepts that you have been taught to implement the game Rock-Paper-Scissors, played by two human players taking turns.
Running the program should first ask the user for the number of rounds to play, for example 5 or 20. For each round, the two players take turns:
player 1 should be able choose “Rock”, “Paper” or “Scissors” using a number for each (0, 1 or 2). After the player 1’s choice, the 2nd player should be able to choose one of the three options as well.
You then must compare the choice between the two players: rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, paper beats rock. A score of 1 is added to the winner of that round. When choices are identical (e.g. rock versus rock), there is no winner, and no score is added.
At the end of all rounds, display who won each round and the final winner (player 1 or player 2) based on the total score.
When the program starts, players are given the option to play against another human or to play against the computer.
In addition, the rounds of the game are limited to '1', '3' and '5'. All other gameplay remains the same.