Java & UML for ML & Data Science Course Projects Some Java Appliication That i coded in Java Course in "Artificial intelligence Profissionals Diploma" introduced by Egyptian Information Technology Institute ITI & EPITA - School of Engineering and Computer Science EPITA Wuzzuf
Java Final Project On Wuzzuf Data set Analysis:
Task: • Build all java needed classes (POJO , DAO, web service and a tester client for the web service) • Make a web service to get the following from the data set:
Read data set and convert it to dataframe or Spark RDD and display some from it.
Display structure and summary of the data.
Clean the data (null, duplications)
Count the jobs for each company and display that in order (What are the most demanding companies for jobs?)
Show step 4 in a pie chart
Find out What are it the most popular job titles?
Show step 6 in bar chart
Find out the most popular areas?
Show step 8 in bar chart
Print skills one by one and how many each repeated and order the output to find out the most important skills required?
#Technoligies: 1- Spark 2- Smile 3- Spring
Team: 1- Mahmoud Elhemaly 2- Mohamed Ashraf 3- Hady El Maddah
Wuzzuf jobs in Egypt data set at Kaggle
How to run : http://localhost:8282/