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This repository shows how to implement hexagonal architecture using Go. Hexagonal Architecture, or Ports & Adapters Architecture, is a cool way to build software systems that stay flexible and easy to update.
To demonstrate, I created a simple REST API for product management. What implemented in this repository:
- Build REST API for product management using Go, Fiber, and MySQL.
- Organize our project to implement hexagonal architecture.
- Implement request profiling to the requests our server receives, storing them in the database.
- Create unit testing for repository, service, and handler.
To run the project, you should fulfilled this requirements:
- Go (I'm using version go1.21.3)
- MySQL database (For storing our product)
- MongoDB database (For storing our request profiling)
- IDE/text editor (I'm using VsCode)
- Postman for testing the API
First, you need to setup the MySQL database, create a database named "golangdb" with bellow command.
Next, create a product table with this command.
CREATE TABLE golangdb.products (
stock INT NOT NULL CHECK (stock >= 0),
price INT NOT NULL CHECK (price > 0)
To set up MongoDB to store our profiling requests. Create a new database called “product-management”, then create a collection called “request-logs”. You can easily create this using the MongoDB Compass GUI.
The end result will look like this.
To run the program by typing this command in the terminal, your position at the root of the project.
go run ./cmd/http/main.go
The application will run as below
To run test you can run this command in your terminal, your position is in the root of the project.
go test -v ./...
That's will run all your unit test, the result should be like below.