My dot files.
Uses nix, stow, and zplug to set everything up.
Have tmux colour background differently if ssh'ing to particular hosts.
Use nix instead of zplug for zsh "plugins" (not sure if this is easy, but it is hardly much cleaner)
Give sudo the same configuration.
Get rid of wasted whitespace between right-prompt and right-border... (powerlevel9k)
Intellij Colorscheme(s) are a bit off.
- Rust missing green enums, and some black text.
- Most intellij config files are superfluous.
Collate work diffs.
- Invert shift on number keys (symbols by default)
- mod + hjkl === arrow keys
nix is a good package manager stow is simple (could use homeshick or nix)
- Stow will take a bit of finagling if the # of packages becomes too many.
- No recollection. Started with oh-my-zsh, but then slimmed it down a bit.
- easiest config. Everything runs tmux about the same.
- urxvt: More elaborate config; need to manage x settings db. Powerline font rendering issues.
- gnome-terminal: More elaborate config; need to manage settings registry.