Task: Completed and Write Unit Tests to this report
The codes written in the forked repo do not belong to us. As homework, we made the forked code executable and used testing techniques to write unit tests on it and measure branch coverage. The following explanations are the explanations of the original repo.
- to enhance your knowledge in Object Oriented Programming
- best practices to make a flexible and maintainable code
we try to manage the student marks given by different teachers in a specific module.
each student is characterized by :
- id (auto increment)
- full Name student
- date of birth
- group(MSIR ,MIAD,. . . )
each teacher is characterized by :
- id (auto increment)
- full name teacher
- grade (,MCA,MCB..)
- list modules that he/she teaches
- list of the attached group which he/she teaches
each group is characterized by :
- reference group
- number of students
each module is characterized by :
- reference
- name
- number of hours
each mark is characterized by :
an integer value between (5-20) which is given by a teacher to a student in a specific module
- each teacher can teach one or more groups.
- May the teacher teach more than one module.
- each student is attached to a single group.
- each mark is related to a single student in a specific module.
- don’t forget to update the total number of students in the group class when you add or delete a student.
from the above description we create five packages, each one has classes that do specific tasks
- package 1 module
- package 2 group
- package 3 student
- package 4 teacher
- package 5 mark