At the april 2015 RIPE Hackathon (the first one?!) this project was created. The aim of the project is to show realtime internet outages as a heatmap. This map should be enriched with 3rd party data, esp. Twitter trending topics.
The name disco comes from DISconnect/COnnect. On the site this has been extended to DISCO Monitor, DISCOMO for short.
The presentation can be found zipped in the presentation directory. It probably gives more background information. We hate writing readme's ;)
ansible-playbook -i hosts_hackathon.yml site.yml
Elasticsearch is deployed using a docker image.
ansible-playbook -i hosts_hackathon.yml deploy/elastic.yml
"type": "twitter",
"twitter": {
"oauth": {
"consumer_key": "---your consumer key---",
"consumer_secret": "--- your consumer secret ---",
"access_token": "--- access application token ---",
"access_token_secret": "--- and the application secret ---"
"filter": {
"tracks": "flood,overstroming,poweroutage, stroomstoring,bliksem,lightning",
"language": "nl,en"
"index": {
"index": "atlas_twitter_river",
"type": "status",
"bulk_size": 100,
"flush_interval": "5s",
"retry_after": "10s"