This repo has example codes with Selenium 4 features.
Website used for testing is:
This repo uses Maven as build tool and TestNG testing framework to run the tests.
Tools Used:
1.Programming Language: Java
2.Web Automation Tool: Selenium WebDriver(latest version)
3.WebDriverManager is used for managing the drivers.
4.Test Runner: TestNG
5.Build Tool: Maven
Scenarios covered in this project:
1. code to login and logout using Selenium
2. Password reset
3. Waits in Selenium 4 (Implicit, EXplicit and Fluent waits)
4. Taking screenshots and saving them
5. Pressing keys using selenium
End-to-end tests for
- User will navigate to the website and provide their username and password then login. Test credentials: ( Username : Admin Password : admin123 )
- User will log out and will be redirected to the login page
- User can reset their password by clicking "Forgot your password?" link on the login page
- User will take a screenshot of the dashboard after logging in and save it in the project folder.
- Scenario for user to login and clicking enter on the keyboard instead of the login button