This is a ChatBot 🤖 that gives you responses based on three chat contexts, fun facts 💡, quotes ✍ and Puns/Jokes🙂. Responses are given after keying a random value between 1 and 50. With the help of Open AI's Chat GPT , this default responses are then passed as prompts to the Davinci-003 Model based on options chosen i.e explain this joke, Poem the joke, fact check a fun fact, retrieve similar quotes, explain the quote e.t.c.
Be sure to check out the Live Demo
Credit for the design of the chat component goes to vue-advanced-chat. A simple web chat component that works with most frontend frameworks and not only vue, i.e react,angular, svelte.
The project has three parts the data source, front-end and back end. The frontend and backend are monolithic and not in different repositories.
- Data Source: MongoDB - Responsible for storing all the quotes,jokes and fun facts collections. Each document has a unique number between
and 50 that will be used as the index when retrieving a document.
It also holds emoji reactions for each message for each user for each room.
- Back-end: Laravel - Responsible for retrieving message information from the data source , transform and package it to be consumed in the frontend. This is where prompt messages are passed to the DaVinci Model
- Front-End: Vue 3, Tailwind, Vite - Tailwind for styling, vite as the bundler and vue at the core for displaying chat components,sending and receiving messages e.t.c.
- PHP Version 8 or later,
- Node JS
- MongoDB Instance
- PHP Composer
- Laravel
First acquire an api key from Open Ai this key will be used everytime you make a request to the model. Keep it safe.
Create a .env in the root project directory if it doesn't exist and add this
Check and confirm that the db environment variables point to your MONGO_DB instance. Ideally in the .env it should be something like this.
Afterwards update and install the laravel dependencies required with the help of composer. Ensure you have composer installed then run this in the terminal of the project's root directory
$ composer update
$ composer install
If everything runs okay without any errors you can proceed and run migrations, but before that ensure you created a database called 'puntastic' in your mongoDB instance. After that is done you can run this
$ php artisan migrate
If this was successful you will see the collections(fun_facts,quotes and puns and jokes) added to the database you just created.
$ php artisan migrate
You can seed your database with the default responses by running the following commands:
$ php artisan db:seed --class=QuotesSeeder
$ php artisan db:seed --class=PunsSeeder
$ php artisan db:seed --class=FunFactsSeeder
Install frontend dependencies and start the vite dev server for hot reloads when you make a changes
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Finally start the backend server in a different terminal process by running
$ php artisan serve
The project should now be running on port 8000 .
Thank you for considering contributing to the project, feel free to open a pull request.
The project is open-sourced and under the MIT license.