π Blink-Bang-Word-Light is a Neovim plugin that highlights the word under the cursor throughout the buffer. The plugin provides commands to enable, disable, and toggle the highlighting.
- Highlights the word under the cursor throughout the buffer.
- Customizable highlight settings including foreground color, background color, and underline.
- Commands to enable, disable, and toggle highlighting.
Using Lazy.nvim
return {
event = { 'VeryLazy' },
config = function()
-- if you want to customize, see Usage!
max_word_length = 100, -- if cursorword length > max_word_length then not highlight
min_word_length = 2, -- if cursorword length < min_word_length then not highlight
excluded = {
filetypes = {
buftypes = {
-- "nofile",
-- "terminal",
patterns = { -- the pattern to match with the file path
-- "%.png$",
-- "%.jpg$",
-- "%.jpeg$",
-- "%.pdf$",
-- "%.zip$",
-- "%.tar$",
-- "%.tar%.gz$",
-- "%.tar%.xz$",
-- "%.tar%.bz2$",
-- "%.rar$",
-- "%.7z$",
-- "%.mp3$",
-- "%.mp4$",
highlight = {
underline = true,
guifg = '#ffcc00', -- Foreground color
guibg = '#333333', -- Background color
enabled = true,
You can customize the plugin settings by calling the setup function in your init.vim or init.lua. Here is an example configuration:
max_word_length = 100, -- if cursorword length > max_word_length then not highlight
min_word_length = 2, -- if cursorword length < min_word_length then not highlight
excluded = {
filetypes = {
buftypes = {
-- "nofile",
-- "terminal",
patterns = { -- the pattern to match with the file path
-- "%.png$",
-- "%.jpg$",
-- "%.jpeg$",
-- "%.pdf$",
-- "%.zip$",
-- "%.tar$",
-- "%.tar%.gz$",
-- "%.tar%.xz$",
-- "%.tar%.bz2$",
-- "%.rar$",
-- "%.7z$",
-- "%.mp3$",
-- "%.mp4$",
highlight = {
underline = true,
guifg = '#ffcc00', -- Foreground color
guibg = '#333333', -- Background color
enabled = true,
max_word_length = 100,
min_word_length = 2,
excluded = {
filetypes = {},
buftypes = {
patterns = {},
highlight = {
underline = true,
guifg = nil,
guibg = nil,
enabled = true,
The following commands are available to control the highlighting:
:BlinkBangWordLight enable
or:BBWL enable
: Enable the highlighting.:BlinkBangWordLight disable
or:BBWL disable
: Disable the highlighting.:BlinkBangWordLight toggle
or:BBWL toggle
: Toggle the highlighting.
This plugin is licensed under the MIT License.