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mef51 committed May 26, 2021
1 parent 2207147 commit 0213952
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Showing 2 changed files with 310 additions and 59 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.odr
import itertools

def computeModelDetails(frame):
""" Takes a dataframe and computes columns related to the dynamical frb model """
Expand All @@ -10,6 +11,8 @@ def computeModelDetails(frame):

frame['drift_abs'] = -1*(frame['drift (mhz/ms)'])
frame['drift_over_nuobs'] = frame[['drift_abs','center_f']].apply(lambda row: row['drift_abs'] / row['center_f'], axis=1)
frame['recip_drift_over_nuobs'] = 1/frame['drift_over_nuobs']
frame['drift_abs_nuobssq'] = frame['drift_abs']/frame['center_f']**2/1000 # unitless
frame['min_sigma'] = frame[['sigmax','sigmay']].apply(lambda row: min(abs(row['sigmax']), abs(row['sigmay'])), axis=1)
frame['max_sigma'] = frame[['sigmax','sigmay']].apply(lambda row: max(abs(row['sigmax']), abs(row['sigmay'])), axis=1)
# the following two lines assume that if sigmax > sigmay, then sigmax_error > sigmay_error, which is true (so far) for this dataset
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,6 +58,243 @@ def cleanAngle(row):
return angle

def atanmodel(B, x):
return np.arctan(x/B[0])

def offset_atanmodel(B, x, zero_ddm_fit=6.554):
return np.arctan(x/zero_ddm_fit) + B[0]

def reciprocal(x, a):
return a/x

def reciprocal_log(x, b):
return -x+b

def log_log(x, k, b):
return k*x+b

def reciprocal_odr(B, x):
return B[0]/x

def reciprocal_odr_log(B, x):
return -x+B[0]

def fitreciprocal(x, data, sigma=1):
guess = [522]
abs_sigma = True
if (type(sigma) == int) and (sigma == 1):
abs_sigma = False
sigma = np.zeros(len(data.ravel())) + sigma

popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(reciprocal, x, data, p0=guess, sigma=sigma, absolute_sigma=abs_sigma)
return popt, pcov

def fitreciprocal_log(x, data, sigma=1, loglog=False):
guess = [522]
abs_sigma = True
if (type(sigma) == int) and (sigma == 1):
abs_sigma = False
sigma = np.zeros(len(data.ravel())) + sigma

if loglog:
guess = [1,1]
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(log_log, x, data, p0=guess, sigma=sigma, absolute_sigma=abs_sigma)
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(reciprocal_log, x, data, p0=guess, sigma=sigma, absolute_sigma=abs_sigma)
return popt, pcov

def modelerror(frame):
ex = np.sqrt(frame['red_chisq'])*frame['tau_w_error']
ey = np.sqrt(frame['red_chisq'])*frame['drift error (mhz/ms)']/frame['center_f']
return ex, ey

def rangeerror(frame):
These ranges are not errors in the statistical sense. they are the min/max values, which should
be larger than the real errors. So this is extremely conservative while also being easier
to compute.
The strange shape of the returned value is due to a quirk in the way pandas handles asymmetric
ex = [np.array([frame['tau_w_ms'] - frame['tw_min'], frame['tw_max'] - frame['tau_w_ms']])]
ey = [np.array([frame['drift_over_nuobs'] - frame['drift_nu_min'], frame['drift_nu_max'] - frame['drift_over_nuobs']])]
return ex, ey

def log_error(frame):
""" see modelerror() """
sx = np.log((frame['tau_w_ms'] + np.sqrt(frame['red_chisq'])*frame['tau_w_error']) / frame['tau_w_ms'])
sy = np.log((frame['drift_over_nuobs'] + np.sqrt(frame['red_chisq'])*(frame['drift error (mhz/ms)'])) / frame['drift_over_nuobs'])
return sx, sy

def rangelog_error(frame):
""" The range errors are asymmetric. Average the error """
ex, ey = rangeerror(frame)
ex = np.log((frame['tau_w_ms'] + (ex[0][0]+ex[0][1])/2 ) / frame['tau_w_ms'])
ey = np.log((frame['drift_over_nuobs'] + (ey[0][0]+ey[0][1])/2) / frame['drift_over_nuobs'])
return ey, ey
# return np.log(np.maximum(ex[0][0], ex[0][1])), np.log(np.maximum(ey[0][0], ey[0][1]))

def rangeerror_odr(frame):
""" The range errors are asymmetric. Take the largest error """
ex, ey = rangeerror(frame)
return np.maximum(ex[0][0], ex[0][1]), np.maximum(ey[0][0], ey[0][1])

def fitodr(frame, beta0=[1000], errorfunc=log_error, log=True):
fit_model = scipy.odr.Model(reciprocal_odr)
fit_model_log = scipy.odr.Model(reciprocal_odr_log)

fitdata = scipy.odr.RealData(frame['tau_w_ms'],
fitdata_log = scipy.odr.RealData(np.log(frame['tau_w_ms']),

odrfitter_log = scipy.odr.ODR(fitdata_log, fit_model_log, beta0=beta0)

odrfitter = scipy.odr.ODR(fitdata, fit_model, beta0=beta0)

if log:
# print('log odr')
# print('linear odr')

def driftranges(source):
Given all burst and model data at different trial DMs,
computes the range of drifts durations across the range of trial DMs

yaxis = 'drift_over_nuobs'
xaxis ='tau_w_ms'
for burst in source.index.unique():
burstdf = source.loc[burst]
eduration = np.sqrt(burstdf['red_chisq'])*burstdf['tau_w_error']
edriftnuobs = np.sqrt(burstdf['red_chisq'])*burstdf['drift error (mhz/ms)']/burstdf['center_f']

dmax, dmin = np.max(burstdf[yaxis] + edriftnuobs), np.min(burstdf[yaxis] - edriftnuobs)
tmax, tmin = np.max(burstdf[xaxis] + eduration) , np.min(burstdf[xaxis] - eduration)

source.loc[burst, 'drift_nu_max'] = dmax
source.loc[burst, 'drift_nu_min'] = dmin
source.loc[burst, 'drift_max'] = dmax*burstdf['center_f']
source.loc[burst, 'drift_min'] = dmin*burstdf['center_f']
source.loc[burst, 'tw_max'] = tmax
source.loc[burst, 'tw_min'] = tmin

# print(f'burst: {burst},\t\tdriftrange = ({dmin}, {dmax}),\t\ttwrange = ({tmin}, {tmax})')

return source

def plotDriftVsDuration(frames=[], labels=[], title=None, logscale=True, annotatei=0,
markers=['o', 'p', 'X', 'd', 's'], hidefit=[], hidefitlabel=False,
fitlines=['r-', 'b--', 'g-.'], fitextents=None,
errorfunc=modelerror, fiterrorfunc=rangelog_error, dmtrace=False):
""" wip """
plt.rcParams["errorbar.capsize"] = 4
plt.rcParams[""] = "serif"

markersize = 125#100
fontsize = 25 #18
annotsize = 14
filename = 'log_drift_over_nu_obsvsduration' if logscale else 'drift_over_nu_obsvsduration'
figsize = (17, 8)
figsize = (17, 9)
# figsize = (14, 10)

yaxis = 'drift_over_nuobs'
yaxis_lbl = 'Sub-burst Slope $\\,\\left|\\frac{d\\nu_\\mathrm{obs}}{dt_\\mathrm{D}}\\right|(1/\\nu_{\\mathrm{obs}})$ (ms$^{-1}$)'
# yaxis = 'recip_drift_over_nuobs'
# yaxis_lbl = 'nu_obs / drift'

if type(markers) == list:
markers = itertools.cycle(markers)
if type(fitlines) == list:
fitlines = itertools.cycle(fitlines)

ax = frames[0].plot.scatter(x='tau_w_ms', y=yaxis,
figsize=figsize, s=markersize, c='color', colorbar=False, fontsize=fontsize,
logy=logscale, logx=logscale, marker=next(markers), edgecolors='k',

for frame, lbl in zip(frames[1:], labels[1:]):
frame.plot.scatter(ax=ax, x='tau_w_ms', y=yaxis,
figsize=figsize, s=markersize, c='color', colorbar=False, fontsize=fontsize,
logy=logscale, logx=logscale, marker=next(markers), edgecolors='k',

if type(annotatei) == int:
annotatei =[annotatei]
for ai in annotatei:
if ai < len(frames):
for k, v in frames[ai].iterrows():
if v[yaxis] > 0 or not logscale:
ax.annotate(k, (v['tau_w_ms'], v[yaxis]), xytext=(-3,5),
textcoords='offset points', weight='bold', size=annotsize)

alldata = pd.concat([f for f in frames])
if not fitextents:
fitextents = min(alldata['tau_w_ms'])*0.9, max(alldata['tau_w_ms'])*1.1

logfit = True
if type(hidefit) == int:
hidefit = [hidefit]

fits = []
for fi, (frame, label, line) in enumerate(zip(frames, labels, fitlines)):
x = np.linspace(fitextents[0], fitextents[1], num=1200)
if logfit:
fit = fitodr(frame, errorfunc=fiterrorfunc)
param, err = np.exp(fit.beta[0]), np.exp(fit.beta[0])*(np.exp(fit.sd_beta[0])-1)
fit = fitodr(frame, log=logfit)
param, err = fit.beta[0], fit.sd_beta[0]

## compute reduced chisq
# parameter error
ex = frame['tau_w_error']*np.sqrt(frame['red_chisq'])
ey = frame['drift error (mhz/ms)']/frame['center_f']*np.sqrt(frame['red_chisq'])
data_err = np.sqrt(ex**2 + ey**2)
residuals = frame['drift_over_nuobs'] - param/frame['tau_w_ms']
chisq = np.sum((residuals / data_err) ** 2)
red_chisq = chisq / (len(frame) - 1)
# print(residuals)
fits.append([label, param, err, red_chisq, residuals, len(frame)])

lstr = ''
if not hidefitlabel:
lstr = '{} fit ({:.3f} $\\pm$ {:.3f}) $t_w^{{-1}}$'.format(label, param, err)
if fi not in hidefit:
plt.plot(x, param/x, line, label=lstr)

if title:
ax.set_title(title, size=fontsize)

if dmtrace:
sorteddata = pd.concat([frames[dmi] for dmi in np.argsort(labels)])
for bid in sorteddata.index.unique():
plt.plot(sorteddata.loc[bid]['tau_w_ms'], sorteddata.loc[bid]['drift_over_nuobs'])

ax.set_xlabel('Sub-burst Duration $t_\\mathrm{w}$ (ms)', size=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel(yaxis_lbl, size=fontsize)
# plt.legend()

return ax, fits

def _plotAnglevsDM(frames, annotate=False, save=False, drops=[]):
thetamodel = scipy.odr.Model(atanmodel)
offsetmodel = scipy.odr.Model(offset_atanmodel)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,49 +366,3 @@ def errorexpr(frame):
if save:
for fformat in ['png', 'pdf', 'eps']: plt.savefig('angleatdifferentDMs.{}'.format(fformat))

def atanmodel(B, x):
return np.arctan(x/B[0])

def offset_atanmodel(B, x, zero_ddm_fit=6.554):
return np.arctan(x/zero_ddm_fit) + B[0]

def reciprocal(x, a):
return a/x

def reciprocal_log(x, b):
return -x+b

def log_log(x, k, b):
return k*x+b

def reciprocal_odr(B, x):
return B[0]/x

def reciprocal_odr_log(B, x):
return -x+B[0]

def fitreciprocal(x, data, sigma=1):
guess = [522]
abs_sigma = True
if (type(sigma) == int) and (sigma == 1):
abs_sigma = False
sigma = np.zeros(len(data.ravel())) + sigma

sigma = np.zeros(len(data.ravel())) + sigma
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(reciprocal, x, data, p0=guess, sigma=sigma, absolute_sigma=abs_sigma)
return popt, pcov

def fitreciprocal_log(x, data, sigma=1, loglog=False):
guess = [522]
abs_sigma = True
if (type(sigma) == int) and (sigma == 1):
abs_sigma = False
sigma = np.zeros(len(data.ravel())) + sigma

if loglog:
guess = [1,1]
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(log_log, x, data, p0=guess, sigma=sigma, absolute_sigma=abs_sigma)
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(reciprocal_log, x, data, p0=guess, sigma=sigma, absolute_sigma=abs_sigma)
return popt, pcov

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