Name: ForumHub This is a online forum Website. People can read and write their thougths and get feedback or comment from others.
User Features:
Visitor can register and login. There has two option for register and login 1. Email password 2. Google login
Registering new user they will get free user badge by default
User can be premium member of the website. There has stripe payemnt system for make payment and be premium member.
A premium or vip memeber got extra facilities such as they can make more than 5 posts wherever free user can create only 5 post.
Any user can edit their bio
Any user can see their posts in a table
Can see post comment and report comment if it spam or any other reason.
Can delete any post that user created
Can comment in other user posts and give like or dislike if they want
Without login anyone can't write comment or can't give like or dislike.
All user can see notification or announcement which posted by admin. They can make mark as read every notification.
Admin Features:
- An admin can see the total number of users, comments, posts of the website.
- They can see their profile detals.
- They can add new tag for post
- They can see a pie chart with total comments, posts, users
- They can see all registered users list and can make admin if he want. And can search user with user name.
- They can see all reported comments in the reported comments section. From there admin can review comments and take neccesssary action. He/she can delete the reported comment or block the commenter. If he/she block any user that user can't write comment in any other posts.
- He/she can post announcement for all users which will display in website front page.
Client: React, TailwindCSS, React Router, Firebase authentication, Tan Stack Query
Server: Express Js, Mongoose
Database: MongoDB
The server is hosted on vercel
Admin credential: Username: [email protected] Password: Admin1122#