GoPyWatch is a utility that executes a Python file and watches it for changes.
gopywatch --interactive --file --extraWatchDir somedir
It should pick up file changes automatically for OS X. Feel free to contribute support for other OSes if you find one that doesn't work.
make dependencies
go run denormans/gopywatch/main/main.go --interactive --file --extraWatchDir somedir
If you'd like to contribute, just submit a pull request. If you find any issues, feel free to add an issue, but it'll get fixed faster if you fix it yourself :)
I wrote this app to help my son learn Python.
We are using the Turtle Graphics module, which requires interactive mode or some sort of pause at the end of the program so the graphical window doesn't disappear immediately after drawing. This can be annoying when wanting to restart the program with every change.
I was surprised to find that there was no Python watcher like there is for NodeJS eg nodemon. Therefore, I decided to learn Go Lang and build one.
I totally understand this initial implementation is naive and minimal.