A Discord bot designed to make managing a Guild Wars 2 guild server fun and easy.
- Giveaways: Create a giveaway via user input and pick a random winner
- Guides: Provide useful links and info about a given raid boss
- Missions: Provide useful links and info about a given guild mission
- Starboard: Save messages with enough stars to a seperate channel for everyone to see
- Poll: Create a poll directly on Discord with an easy to use syntax
- GW2 API: Add an API key to see your account info, character info or current dailies
Since the bot isn't public, you will have to host it yourself.
You need to set up MongoDB and Redis, then pass their URI's as environment variables (see below).
To be able to install all the dependencies, you need to create a .npmrc
at project root and add in the following:
# insall dependencies
npm install
# start the bot
npm start
Set the environment variables on your hosting platform or use the example below to create a .env
file at folder root.
MONGO_URI=your://mongodb/ur #mongodb://localhost:27017
REDIS_URL=your://redis/uri #redis://localhost:6379
Please keep in mind that this bot is currently experimental.