A little CLI tool for debugging claims contained in JSON Web Tokens (JWT) issued by Keycloak confidential clients.
Keycloak configuration can be quite complex. So I found it useful to have a tool to look at the claims contained in JWTs. You can see quickly if they contain the values you need for your use case.
The CLI tool takes the credentials of the client you configured in Keycloak and uses some user's credentials to issue tokens for that user using OIDC endpoints. It then decodes the JWTs and prints its claim contents on stdout:
- access token
- id token
- refresh token
pip install keycloak-jwt-checker
$ keycloak-jwt-checker --help
Usage: keycloak-jwt-checker [OPTIONS]
Keycloak JWT Checker.
A little tool for debugging claims contained in JSON Web Tokens (JWT) issued
by Keycloak confidential clients.
--server-url TEXT URL of the Keycloak server [required]
--client-id TEXT Client ID [required]
--client-secret TEXT Client secret [required]
--realm TEXT Realm [required]
--username TEXT Username of a Keycloak user you configured for this
client [required]
--password TEXT Password of a Keycloak user you configured for this
client [required]
--skip-tls-verification Set this flag if the TLS verification should be
skipped on OIDC endpoints
--help Show this message and exit.
If you are concerned about security or just don't want to use the CLI options for secrets or passwords, you can also use the following environment variables to provide these values to Keycloak JWT Checker.