Trello like application with :
- C# 5.0 (using await/async paradigm)
- MVC 5 with Web API 2
- SignalR 2.0
- Entity Framework 6 (code first and migrations)
- TypeScript 1.4
- SignalR 2.0 (HTML5 websocket)
- Knockout
- Chrome Notification
Create rooms and boards and then organize your tasks by pinning cards on appriopriate board.
Everything is replicated instantly on every connected user UI with websocket connections.
- In visual studio package manager console restore package files then run :
add-migration Init
start the project.
Login with david and 123456
- ./api folder contains most of the backend API code
- ./Scripts/pages/Classes folder contains most of the javascript (typescript) frontend code
- ./Hubs folder contains backend websocket (SignalR) code
- ./Views folder contains html parts (Razor)
- ./Controllers contains contains basic response to url request but most of the UI is generate through javascript/REST API