Ultimate frisbee team website zapadisk.be
Team Generator tool: http://zapadisk.be/team-generator.html
The root contains the source files.
The website is in the folder /docs
This folder is generated with Jekyll.
- RubyGems
- jekyll (
gem install jekyll
andgem install jekyll-minifier
) - nodejs
- surge (
npm install --global surge
get the most recent version of the git repo:
git pull origin master
make changes in root folder (not /docs)
cf. Jekyll documentation -
build -> compiles into 'docs' folder
jekyll build
(to run locally:
cd docs; jekyll serve
and open localhost::4000) -
cd docs; surge; cd ..;
push changes:
git add .; git commit -m "whatyouchanged"; git push;
(first time:
git push -u origin master
Gender-Stats is deployed as a standalone app on https://zapagender.surge.sh for the pwa installation to work.
cd gender-stats; surge; cd ..;
- https://joashpereira.com/templates/material_one_pager/
- http://materializecss.com
- http://www.materialpalette.com
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. This means that any derivative works based on this project must also be open-source and distributed under the same license.
For more details, please see the LICENSE file.