This utility is for clocking in and out on Jobcan, and it sends the results to Chatwork.
"jclockedio" means Jobcan clocked in/out.
brew tap masa0221/tap
brew install jclockedio
Note: jclockedio requires Chrome and Chromedriver.
brew install --cask chromedriver
Alternatively, you can use Docker.
jclockedio configure
You can modify the output format. For more details, run jclockedio configure --help
jclockedio adit
To only verify login without clocking in/out, use the --no-adit
If you don't have Chrome and Chromedriver installed, you can use Docker. To pull the Docker image, check this link.
docker build -t jclockedio .
docker run --rm -it jclockedio
Default timezone is Asia/Tokyo;to change it, use -e TZ=UTC
docker run --rm -it -v "$HOME"/.jclockedio:/root/.jclockedio jclockedio configure
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Make sure to verify the execution process and the results before relying on it. Good luck with your remote work!🌸