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Named Query Prefix Management

isubiker edited this page Dec 15, 2011 · 1 revision

Named Query Prefix Management

Named query prefixes allow named queries to be used in string queries. They are managed by a Corona administrator because they configure and influence the behavior of string queries. Prefixes must be unique amongst themselves as well as range indexes, bucketed range indexes and places.

Declare a prefix

Configures a prefix for use in named queries.

  • Endpoint: /manage/namedqueryprefix/<prefix>
  • Request type: POST
  • Returns:
    • If the prefix was successfully defined a 204 is returned

Get a list of all configured prefixes

To get a list of all the prefixes that are configured, make a GET request to:


Find out if a prefix is configured

Returns true if the prefix is configured

  • Endpoint: /manage/namedqueryprefix/<prefix>
  • Request type: GET
  • Returns:
    • If the prefix is defined a 200 is returned with the body being a JSON document indicating that it exists.
    • If the prefix is undefined a 404 is returned

Delete a prefix

Removes the prefix definition from the database. When removing, all named queries using this prefix will also be deleted.

  • Endpoint: /manage/namedqueryprefix/<prefix>
  • Request type: DELETE
  • Returns:
    • If the prefix was deleted a 204 is returned
    • If the prefix is undefined a 404 is returned
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